MKTG1047 Market Research Assignment

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM132505203 , Length: 8 Pages

MKTG1047 Market Research Assignment - RMIT University Singapore


Please read the case study. It summarises a market research brief provided by your client called Fun Fit. Remember this is a fictitious company.

ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS - You need to complete ALL four (4) questions below. Ensure you respond to these questions adhering to the instructions and requirements stated on pages 1-2. Your responses to these questions will comprise the proposal to the client, Fun Fit.


This question relates to Phase 1 (qualitative study) of the market research project and more specifically, Research Objective #1 about member usage habits.

You decide to recommend an observational method to address this research objective. Which specific observational method do you recommend and why? In your answer, identify the four unique characteristics of your recommended observational method, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of observation as a data collection method in general. Explain to the client why observation is a useful research method for Phase 1 and for their project overall. List and briefly explain four (4) examples of what can be observed about Fun Fit members to address Research Objective #1.


This question relates to Phase 1 (qualitative study) of the market research project and more specifically, Research Objective #2 about member perceptions and attitudes.

The client would like to conduct either interviews or focus groups to address this objective. Which of these research methods do you recommend and why? In your answer, define, compare and contrast both interviews and focus groups in order to justify your recommendation. Explain to the client why your recommended research method (interviews or focus groups) is useful for Phase 1 and for their project overall, including how your recommended method will build on the observational data from Assessment Question 1 (above). Drawing on the principles of interviewing techniques, list and briefly explain four (4) different questions that would be relevant to include in either your interview guide (if you recommended interviews) or your discussion guide (if you recommended focus groups). You should make these questions specific to the Fun Fit case study and present the questions in an appropriate order for your interview/discussion guide.


This question relates to Phase 2 (quantitative study) of the market research project and more specifically, Research Objective #3 about member segments and profile.

For Phase 2, the client has prepared a survey in advance, which includes questions about members' characteristics and experiences. You can see this survey on pages 8 to 10.

Considering the sample requirements given in the market research brief (page 4), make a recommendation on the specific sampling method that should be used in this research. In your answer, define the sampling method and outline the process of this sampling method, i.e. how it would be implemented for Fun Fit, in particular. Further, explain the recommended sampling method's advantages and disadvantages and justify why it is the most appropriate sampling method in this case.


This question relates to Phase 2 (quantitative study) of the market research project and more specifically, Research Objective #4 about member experience.

In order to understand member experience and identify factors that drive positive vs. negative outcomes for members, the client requests that you outline a data analysis plan for their survey (pages 8 to 10).

For each of the following hypotheses, please state:

- The most correct inferential statistical test.

- The test type.

- The number of variables involved.

- The specific variables involved from the survey and the level of measurement scale each variable is expressed upon.

- A justification for why the proposed test is correct for the hypothesis.

You can present this information in text or a table.

i. Hypothesis 1: The average rating of the importance of convenient location is greater than the importance of premium reputation.

ii. Hypothesis 2: Overall satisfaction with Fun Fit is greater amongst members who prefer to work out in a group versus those who prefer to work out on their own.

iii. Hypothesis 3: Member experience with Fun Fit is positively associated with the average number of times visiting per month.

iv. Hypothesis 4: Preferred group exercise class is associated with the number of times visiting Fun Fit per week.

v. Hypothesis 5: The facilities a member has used at Fun Fit is associated with the location they most frequently attend.

vi. Hypothesis 6: Likelihood to recommend Fun Fit to others predicts $ amount members are willing to pay for monthly membership.

vii. Hypothesis 7: Importance of value for money differs between levels of yearly income.

viii. Hypothesis 8: Gender, employment status, previous use of group exercise classes, and previous use of personal training predict satisfaction with the class schedule.

Attachment:- Market Research Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132505203

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MKTG1047 Market Research Assignment : MKTG1047 Market Research Assignment Help and Solution - RMIT University Singapore - Assessment Writing Service - CASE STUDY - Fun Fit
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5/2/2020 3:10:55 AM

Hi this is my market research assignment under rmit. it’s a very important one.THERE ARE 4 QUESTIONS SO YOUR SUBMISSION SHOULD BE NO LONGER THAN 8 PAGES TOTAL. which means that the answer for each question cannot exceed 2 pages.

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