MKT 3203 Marketing Research Assignment

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM132771896 , Length: 1000 Words

MKT 3203 Marketing Research - Lingnan University

Paper Structure

1) Introduction

The goal of introduction is to catch readers' attention and interests. It serves to provide the most exciting, important, or critical findings that are worth sharing with others. You may consider talking about the following items:

• What is/are the main research question(s) in this research paper?
• Who are the interested parties and can could benefit from these results and why?
• What are the major findings and how can them influence interested parties? (That is, how may these people revise their marketing/ business practice to achieve any business, marketing, or personal goal?)
• In your view, why is it important to study this topic?

2) Hypothesis and Methodology

The goal of this section is to offer readers more details about how the research was carried out. This help build up confidence in believing what the researchers did were valid and reliable.

• What type of design is this? (e.g., experiment, survey, observation, secondary data, etc.) Why is such a design appropriate or suitable for studying this research question?
• What is the dependent variable (outcome variable) in this study? How is it measured in this study?
• What are the independent variables in Studies 2a and 2b?

3) Results Interpretation
The main purpose of this section is to explain the results from the data analysis.
• What kind of "test" was carried out to compare the average of M=3.97 and M=
2.92 of sharing likelihood described in p. 200? Why should such test be used? When using this test, what is the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis? Is the hypothesis being supported or not? Why? (Please use p-value to explain). How does this result support the research objective / goal?

4) Conclusion
• How do you like this paper? Why? Do you benefit the findings?
• How does this paper relate to your study of MKT3203? Is the course helpful or not, and why?

Attachment:- Marketing Research.rar

Reference no: EM132771896

Questions Cloud

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