MK9706 Marketing Research and Analytics Assignment

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM132831951 , Length: word count:3000

MK9706 Marketing Research and Analytics - Northumbria University

Learning Outcome 1

• Develop a critical understanding of the key theoretical concepts of marketing research.
• Develop a critical understanding of the key theoretical concepts of marketing analytics.

Learning Outcome 2:

• Demonstrate self-reflection in the context of marketing research and marketing analytics as part of your personal development.

• Ability to conduct secondary marketing research as well as qualitative, quantitative primary marketing research and marketing analytics, supporting the development of research-driven marketing reports for businesses.


Part A: Quantitative Review

You are part of a market research agency. One of your colleagues, who has just gone off ill, had developed a questionnaire for a technology firm. This firm wanted to understand people's attitude to a new app they had just produced.They now need a summary of the results and your boss has asked you to step in and analyse the data.

You are required to produce a report 1500-word report (+10%) of your findings. You will find the Survey Questions (survey_questions.doc) and the completed survey (results.csv) in the assessment folder. The report should consist of an outline of your methodological framework and an overview of your findings. The report should be presented in an APA format. There should be 3 appendices consisting of SPSS / Excel screenshots to support your analysis.

Part B: Qualitative Review
Using Mumsnet, do a thematic analysis of the threads written about smart meters. This task requires you to produce a 1500-word report (+10%) consisting of an outline of your methodological framework and an overview of your findings. The main report should include a table of the main themes you identified, a word cloud and two charts relating to the smart meters market place (from secondary research). There should be two appendices with screen shots of your NVivo research.

Attachment:- Marketing Research and Analytics.rar

Reference no: EM132831951

Questions Cloud

Understanding of the porter five forces model : Relate your understanding of the Porter's Five Forces model to describe how the Internet affects the bargaining power of buyers
Four components of moral behavior : List and Explain any Two of Rest's Four Components of Moral Behavior. Explain each in details and provide some workplace examples.
Create sample advertisement for a position : Create sample advertisement for a position you might hire. Include some salary and training requirements for the position.
Describe different project structures : Describe different project structures and their characteristics that can be used in the strategic management process of technology and innovation?
MK9706 Marketing Research and Analytics Assignment : MK9706 Marketing Research and Analytics Assignment Help and Solution, Northumbria University - Assessment Writing Service
Explain the relationship between the n-t km model : Create six slides explain that explain the relationship between the N&T KM model.
Write an applet that sets the background colour to cyan : Write an applet that sets the background colour to cyan and foreground colour to red and displays a message that illustrates the order
Discuss intensification and intensification of work : How the process of economic globalisation, and particularly increased competition, has provided management within large multi-national organisations
What are the issues of integrity : Read the mini-case below and briefly answer the guide questions.


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