MITS5502 Developing Enterprise Systems Assignment problem

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Reference no: EM132378104

MITS5502 Developing Enterprise Systems, Victorian Institute of Technology

Developing Enterprise Systems Project

An Introduction to the Project

The Project is divided into six smaller parts that each part builds upon the previous parts. Each Project part should take about 1.5 hours to complete.

Use NetBeans IDE to rename. Right click the project folder and choose rename option. Don't forget to check "Also Rename Project Folder".

How to develop the Project

The description of each Project part includes images that show how the pages should appear in a browser, a general description of the operation of the project's pages, and some general specifications for how the project should be coded. This information is detailed enough for you to complete the project. However, you will need to determine any unspecified details on your own. For example, you will need to create your own names for the servlet and JSP files that you create, you will need to determine what error messages to display when the user enters invalid data, and so on.

Unless you're instructed otherwise, you can implement each Project using any programming techniques you wish. In some cases, however, the project's specifications will direct you to use a specific programming technique. In that case, you should implement the project as directed.

What to Submit
(1) A root folder "studentIDMITS5502_Project" containing:
(A) "studentIDMITS5502.doc"
(B) The Project folders i.Part_1 ii.Part_2
iii.Part_3 (and your codes to complete this Part) iv.Part_4 (and your codes to complete this Part) v.Part_5 (and your codes to complete this Part) vi.Part_6 (and your codes to complete this Part)
(2) Your responses to each Project part should be in the form of a written essay (use the temple given on Moodle) which includes:
(A) Front page
(C) Header and footer
(D) Explanation and screenshot of all steps involved in the Project application (code, all output tests including reports, IDE project structure ... etc.). Make sure you put all in each appropriate heading according to the TOC.
(E) Used references
(F) The name of the Word document should be "studentIDMITS5502.doc"

You are required to zip the root folder (1) for submission via Moodle by the due date.
NOTE: Your Project will not be marked if any one of the 2 items above is missing.

The Project

The following pages present the user interface, operation, and specifications for each project. As you view these pages, remember that each part builds upon the previous parts.

Part_1: Product Maintenance (solution given)
For this part, you'll create a series of pages that allow you to add, update, or delete a product that's available to the application.
The Index page

The Confirm Delete page
(1) When the application starts, it displays the Index page. This page contains a link that leads to the Products page that can be used to add, update, or delete products.
(2) To add a new product, the user selects the Add Product button. This displays the Product page with all text fields empty. Then, the user can fill in the text fields and click on the Update Product button to add the product.
(3) To edit an existing product, the user selects the Edit link for the product. This displays the Product page with all existing data for the product displayed. Then, the user can edit any entries and click on the Update Product button to update the data for the existing product.
(4) To delete a product, the user selects the Delete link for the product. This displays the Confirm Delete page. Then, if the user confirms the deletion by selecting the Yes button, the product is deleted and the Products page is displayed to reflect the new data. If the user selects the No button, the Products page is displayed.


(1) Use a Product class like the one shown later in this document to store the product data.
(2) Use a ProductIO class like the one shown later in this document to read and write the product data to a text file named products.txt in the WEB-INF directory.
(3) Use a text file like the products.txt file shown later in this document as a starting point for the products that are available to the application.
(4) Use server-side validation to validate all user entries. In particular, make sure the user enters a code, description, and price for each product. In addition, make sure the product's price is a valid double value.
(5) If possible, get the,, and product.txt files from your instructor or trainer. Otherwise, you can create these files yourself.

Part_2: Product Maintenance with custom tag validation (solution given)
For this Part, you'll enhance the application described in Part_1 by adding a custom tag to validate user entries.

Part_3: Product Maintenance with a database using JDBC (to be submitted)
For this Part, you'll enhance the application described in the previous Parts by modifying it so it uses a database instead of a text file to store the product data. You'll use JDBC to work with the data (look hard as solution is also provided). Don't forget to:
(A) change the password according to your MySQL setup (see below)
(B) import the database if you haven't done so (download db in Lesson 9 folder and use create_databases.sql during import in MySQL workbench).

Part_4: Product Maintenance with a database using JPA (to be submitted)
For this Part, you'll convert the application in the previous Parts so it uses JPA instead of JDBC to work with a database.

Part_5: Product Maintenance with SSL and authentication (to be submitted)
For this Part, you'll enhance the application described in the previous Parts by modifying it so it uses a secure connection and only allows authorized users (refer to chapters 1-13, 15, and 16 of textbook B) Specifications

(1) Restrict access to all pages except the Index page. Only allow users in the programmer role and customer service role to access the rest of the pages in the Product Maintenance application. To do that, use the UserPass and UserRole tables in the murach database to define the usernames and passwords for these roles.
(2) Use a secure connection for all pages except the Index page.

Part_6: Product Maintenance within the Music Store web site (to be submitted)
For this project, you'll enhance the application described in the previous projects by adding it to the admin section of the Music Store web site. (Prerequisites: 1-13,15, 16, 22 and 23)


(1) Add the JSP files for the Product Maintenance application to the admin directory of the Music Store web site.
(2) Add the controller servlet for the Product Maintenance application to the music.admin package of the Music Store web site.
(3) Modify the admin/index.jsp file of the Music Store web site so it includes a button that starts the newly added Product Maintenance application.
(4) Modify all necessary JSP, CSS, Java, and XML files within the Music Store web site so they work with the newly added Product Maintenance application.
(5) In the controller for the Product Maintenance application, use the getRequestURI method to determine which action to process as shown in chapter 22. If the URL doesn't match any actions in your application, use the sendError method of the response object to send a 404 error to the user to indicate that the page isn't available.
(6) Don't break the other applications in the existing Music Store web site.

Attachment:- Developing Enterprise Systems.rar

Reference no: EM132378104

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9/28/2019 4:24:47 AM

NOTE: The solutions of the first two parts are given to you to give you a general idea of what you are expected to do. Make sure you read the description of each part and try to do the first two parts even though the solutions are given. An Introduction to the Project The Project is divided into six smaller parts that each part builds upon the previous parts. Each Project part should take about 1.5 hours to complete. Project parts General description and tasks Weightage Part_1 Solution provided 0% Part_2 Solution provided 0% Part_3 Use Part_2 to complete this part (copy Part_2 and rename it Part_3) 10% Part_4 Use Part_3 to complete this part (copy Part_3 and rename it Part_4) 10% Part_5 Use Part_4 to complete this part (copy Part_4 and rename it Part_5) 10% Part_6 Use Part_5 to complete this part (copy Part_5 and rename it Part_6) 10%


9/28/2019 4:24:35 AM

You will be marked based on your submitted zipped file on Moodle. You are most welcome to check your file with your lab tutor before your submission. No excuse will be accepted due to file corruption, absence from lecture or lab classes where details of lab requirements may be given. Please make sure that you attend Lecture EVERY WEEK as low attendance may result in academic penalty or failure of this unit.

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