Reference no: EM132420641
MITS5004 IT Security Assignment - Critical Analysis of Security Tools, Victorian Institute of Technology, Australia
Objective(s) - This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptor. This assessment is designed to improve the ability of students to critically analyse security tools and present their findings. The assignment provides an opportunity to work in a group and to achieve a joint objective.
Description - Each group is required to critically analyse any 2 security tools from the list and demonstrate the functionality of the tools in a video presentation. The list of tools for the assignment include:
- Hydra
- Maltego
- NMap
- Zed Attack Proxy
- SqlMap
- Metasploit Framework
- Burp Suite
- Nessus
- Nikto
- Snort
The tools need to be launched in Linux terminal (a user could be created for any member of the group).
Each group is required to:
1. Install and launch the 2 security tools in Linux terminal (a user could be created for any member of the group). Screenshots need to be provided with a brief description.
2. Evaluate 4 features of each tool. Description and screenshots need to be provided for each tool.
3. Critically analyse each tool in terms of:
a) Ease of Use
b) Performance
c) Scalability
d) Availability
e) Reporting and analytics
4. Demonstrate the 4 features of the tool in a short video not more than 5 Minutes. Each student is required to demonstrate 1 feature for each tool. If a student does not demonstrate in the video, the student will not be marked for the demonstration marks.
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brief description of the product
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MITS5004 IT Security Assignment - Analysis of Security Tools
: MITS5004 IT Security Assignment - Critical Analysis of Security Tools, Assessment Help and Solution, Victorian Institute of Technology, Australia
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Develop your distribution strategy for the product.
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