Mitigate the conversation and to also re-focus students

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Reference no: EM133667200

Discussion Post: Harmful Social Media Exposure

Imagine you are beginning your class, and you hear students having side conversations about a student on campus and something that has been shared on social media regarding this student. You can sense the conversation is not appropriate, and you do not want your students to be engaged in or sharing information about another student that could potentially cause harm.

Using the College of Education's Professional Dispositions, select two Professional Dispositions you would use to mitigate the conversation and to also re-focus students on their learning. To support your answer, consider identifying one or two specific virtues or scriptures within the Christian Worldview that could also help guide you through your response.

Reference no: EM133667200

Questions Cloud

Some forms of harassment that nurses experience : Some forms of harassment that nurses experience are overt, such as verbal harassment, exclusion, and unfair assignments.
New patient with complaints of abdominal pain after dinner : 13-year-old new patient with complaints of abdominal pain after dinner. Patient ate spaghetti approximately 4-5 hours ago.
Discuss the culture or ethnicity spanish : Discuss the culture or ethnicity spanish with and share 3 important shared beliefs or values;
What stood out to you and what did you learn : Again, you will write a 1 page reflection paper about your reactions to her stories. Include things such as: What stood out to you? What did you learn?
Mitigate the conversation and to also re-focus students : Select two Professional Dispositions you would use to mitigate the conversation and to also re-focus students on their learning.
Improve instruction and student performance : Ms. Johnson works with Ms. Riley to enhance her use of the data to improve instruction and student performance.
Upstream and examines opportunities nursing intervention : Which theoretical approach directs attention upstream and examines opportunities nursing intervention
Evaluate your instruments effectiveness : Evaluate your instrument's effectiveness in 4 or more sentences. Were you able to gather meaningful data? Would you change your instrument in any way?
Great process for making policy change : Great process for making policy change. What would the process be if the change was needed immediately?


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