Reference no: EM132536982
MIT 246 Networking - St Clair College
Lab - Configuring Basic Switch Settings
In this lab, you will build a simple topology using Ethernet LAN cabling and access a Cisco switch using the console and remote access methods.
You will examine default switch configurations before configuring basic switch settings. These basic switch settings include device name, interface description, local passwords, and message of the day (MOTD) banner, IP addressing, setting up a static MAC address, and demonstrating the use of a management IP address for remote switch management.
Cisco switches can be configured with a special IP address known as Switched Virtual Interface (SVI). The SVI or management address can be used for remote access to the switch to display or configure settings. If the VLAN 1 SVI is assigned an IP address, by default, all ports in VLAN 1 have access to the SVI management IP address.
Part 1: Cable the Network and Verify the Default Switch Configuration.
(Do not Paste the screenshots. Just answer the questions)
• Create a console connection to the switch from PC-A
• Verify the default switch configuration: IOS information, interface properties, VLAN information, and flash memory.
Step1: Examine the current running configuration file. (show running-config)
1. How many Fast Ethernet interfaces does a 2960 switch have?
2. How many Gigabit Ethernet interfaces does a 2960 switch have?
3. What is the range of values shown for the vty lines?
Step2: Examine the characteristics of the SVI for VLAN 1. (show interface vlan 1)
4. Is there an IP address assigned to VLAN 1? ____NO____
5. What is the MAC address of this SVI?
• Connect PC-A Ethernet cable to port 6 on the switch and examine the IP properties of the SVI VLAN 1.
• Allow time for the switch and PC to negotiate duplex and speed parameters.
Step3: Examine the Cisco IOS version information of the switch. (show version)
6. What is the Cisco IOS version that the switch is running?
7. What is the system image filename?
8. What is the base MAC address of this switch?
Step4: Examine the default VLAN settings of the switch. (show vlan)
9. Which ports are in this VLAN?
10. Is VLAN 1 active?
11. What type of VLAN is the default VLAN?
Step5: Examine flash memory. (show flash and dir flash)
12. What is the filename of the Cisco IOS image?
Part 2: Configure Basic Network Device Settings.
(Paste the Screen Shots for the following)
• Configure basic switch settings.
– Assign the switch hostname. (HostName should be your ID eg: W0712467) (hostname w0712467)
– Configure password encryption. (Service password-encryption)
– Assign cisco as the secret password for privileged EXEC mode access.
( enable secret cisco)
– Prevent unwanted DNS lookups. (no ip domain-lookup)
– Configure a MOTD banner.( Banner motd # write your msg here#)
– Verify your access settings by moving between modes. (exit)
– Enter global configuration mode to set the SVI IP address of the switch. First, create the new VLAN 99 on the switch. Then set the IP address of the switch to (vlan 99, interface vlan 99, ip address, no shut)
– Assign all user ports to VLAN 99. ( interface range f0/1-24, g0/1-2
Switchport access vlan99)
– Issue show vlan brief command to verify that all the user ports are in VLAN 99.
– Configure the IP default gateway for S1.(ip default-gateway
– Restrict the Console port access.
Line con 0
Password cisco
Logging synchronous
– Configure the virtual terminal (vty) lines for the switch to allow Telnet access.
Line vty 0 15
Password cisco
• Configure the PC IP address.
Part 3: Verify and Test Network Connectivity (Paste the Screen Shots for the following)
• Display device configuration. (show run, show interface vlan 99)
• Test end-to-end connectivity with ping. (ping
• Test remote management capabilities with Telnet. (Telnet
• Save the switch running configuration file. (copy run start)
Part 4: Manage the MAC Address Table
• Record the MAC address of the host.
– From a command prompt on PC-A, issue ipconfig /all command to determine and record the Layer 2 (physical) addresses of the PC NIC.
Determine the MAC addresses that the switch has learned. (Show mac address-table)
13. How many dynamic addresses are there?
14. Does the dynamic MAC address match the PC-A MAC address?
• List the show mac address-table command options.
• Set up a static MAC address.
Mac address-table static 0050.56BE.6C89 vlan 99 interface f0/6
Show mac address-table
• Clear the MAC address table dynamic.
Clear mac address-table dynamic
Attachment:- Configuring Basic Switch Settings.rar