Missionary religion

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Reference no: EM133459836


1. A "missionary religion" has which of the following features that distinguish it from religion in general? (Choose all that apply.)

A) An effort to actively spread its belief and practice beyond its origin point

B) A code of ethics or set of moral principles that is normative in members' lives

C) A universally relevant message

D) A process of conversion in which a person's religious identity changes

E) A hierarchical organizational structure

2. According to Catherine Mowry-LaCugna, "salvation" for Christians means:

A) Going to Heaven when you die

B) Living in right relationship

C) The forgiveness of an individual's sins

D) A fair system of rewards and punishments

3. True or False: The ideal of a "secular society" means that public spaces should be entirely free from influence by anyone's religious identity.

A) True

B) False

4. "Civic pluralism" includes which of the following ideas?

A) The demographic reality that the members of a society belong to many faiths

B) An "encounter of commitments" that enables people to speak about religious differences

C) Simple "tolerance" of religious diversity

D) The expectation that people will leave their religious identities behind when they enter public space

E) All of the above

F) A and B only

G) C and D only

5. The "House of One," the multireligious center in Berlin, Germany, will offer the members of many faiths the opportunity to attend and witness each other's rituals and ceremonies. This type of interaction is one example of which type of interfaith dialogue?

A) Dialogue of action

B) Dialogue of theological exchange

C) Dialogue of religious experience

D) Dialogue of furious arguments

6. The theologian Kwok Pui-lan writes that "Believing that one's religion is the ultimate truth and infinitely superior to others can easily lead to intolerance." This statement most directly criticizes which of the major approaches to the theology of religions?

A) Exclusivism

B) Inclusivism

C) Pluralism

D) Particularities

7. According to "Dabru Emet," Jews and Christians worship the same God.

A) True

B) False

8. According to "A Common Word Between Us and You," the basis for peace between Christians and Muslims is their shared commitment to the divine commands to love and love . (Fill in each blank with one word only.)

9. According to "Nostra Aetate," non-Christian religions represent:

A) Equally valid paths to God

B) Ancient ways of relating to God that have been replaced or "superseded" by the Christian covenant

C) Partial versions of a truth about God that Christianity possesses in full

D) Theological errors that Christianity has already evaluated and rejected

E) Philosophies or ways of life that are not really religious

10. The members of several religious communities want to do something about the "food desert" (the lack of access to nutritious food) near their places of worship. Working with the image of God as a provider and the cosmos as a garden found in their sacred texts, they work to convert empty lots into community gardens that can provide for their neighbors' needs. This is an example of what kind of dialogue?

A) Dialogue of action

B) Dialogue of theological exchange

C) Dialogue of religious experience

D) Dialogue of gastronomy

Reference no: EM133459836

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