Reference no: EM13138554
Exercise 1 Writing the missing Topic Sentences in Narrative Paragraphs
Following are three paragraphs. If the paragraph already has atopic sentance, write it in the lines provided. If does not have atopic sentance create one.(Two of the paragraph have no topic sentance).
Pargraph one
I postponoed talking a required Fundamentals of Speech class because it terrified me. It involved speaking alone in front of the class. Once I enrolled in the class, I sat through every lecture in fear, waiting for the day when I would have to speak. When the instructor asked the students to sign up for a date to deliver a short speech, I signed up for the latest possible day. Of course, postponing my speech made me more nervous becouseI had to listen to the early speakers, who all seemed calm and confident. During the week before I was scheduled to speak, I worried, I planned, I even practiced in front of afriends. I expected to make afool of myself. On the night before my speech, i could not sleep. On the morning of my speech, I considered skipping the class, but a small bit of courage made me show up. As i waited fpr my turn, the blood pounded in my head. Finally, when i stood at the podium, I wondered if everyone saw my body shaking. I do not know how I delivered my speech. All i know is that everyone applauded when it was over. Stunned, I returned to my seat and felt the fear go away.
If the paragraph alreay has atopic sentance, write it here. If it does not have atopic sentance, create one-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Paragraph 2
Once I joined the computer club, I felt like apart of the college. Iam a basically shy person, and my first months at college were unhappy ones. I went to class and went home again, never taking to anyone. Then one day, I saw a notice posted about computer club. I love my computer and am fascinated by anything online or digital. Gathering up my courage, I went to the next meeting of the club. As I entered the room, I felt like running out immediately. Everyonge seemed to know everyone else, and I didnt know where to sit. I decided to sit next to two people who were talking about laptops and notesbooks. I became so interested in the converstion that I was drawn into it. By the end of the first meeting, I had met five people and arranged to get together for coffee with three of them. Sundely, school did not seem like such alonely place.
If the paragraph alreay has atopic sentance, write it here. If it does not have atopic sentance, create one-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Paragraph 3
Last week I was cat-sitting for afamily who had to go out of town for afew days. The cat, Archie, is an affectionate gray cat with only one wish to explore. Becasue he is an indoor cat, I knew I would have to be extremely carful while Archie was aguest in my house. I was very careful untill the third day. On the day, the mail carrier came to drop off apackage.I was so excited to receive an unexpected pakage that I left the door open alittle too long. Just before I shut the door, I saw a flash of gray cross the threshold. I panicked. I raced outside, calling,( Archie! Archie!)! I combed the small, fenced front yard, but Archie was nowhere to be found. Then I exmined every bush and tree in the backyard. Meanwhile, I imagined the horror of having to tell my friends I had lost their cat. Then I thought of all the terrible things that could happen to the adventurous Archir. Finally, I camly in the doorway was Archie.
If the paragraph alreay has atopic sentance, write it here. If it does not have atopic sentance, create one-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Exercise 2 Questionnaire for Gathering Narrative Topics
Answer the question below and list details in the spaces provided. Then read your answer to group. The members of the groups should then ask you follow up questions. Write your answer on the lines provided, the answer will add details to your list:
Finally, ask each member of your group to circle one topic or detail on your questionnaire that could be developed into a narrative paragraph. discuss the suggestion. repeat this process for each member of the group.
1.Did you ever have aclose call? when?
Write four details you remember about it:
2.Have you ever lost an item that was important to you? write four details about what happen before, during and after?
3. have you ever had aday when everything went wrong? write four details about the day?