Misconceptions about the meaning of p

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM13671460

What does p = .05 mean? What are some misconceptions about the meaning of p = .05? Why are they wrong? Should all research adhere to the p = .05 standard for significance? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM13671460

Questions Cloud

Explain distinction between toxicant, toxin, and pollutant : Discuss the Biological effects it has on the primary insect or creature it is used against and how it is metabolized to kill off the organism - Define and explain the distinction between a Toxicant, a toxin, and a pollutant.
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Coefficient of determination between 2 independent variable : If the coefficient of determination between two independent variables is 0.20, what is the VIF?
Misconceptions about the meaning of p : What does p = .05 mean? What are some misconceptions about the meaning of p = .05? Why are they wrong? Should all research adhere to the p = .05 standard for significance? Why or why not?
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Return and rate the restaurant food as good : What proportion of customers say that they will return and rate the restaurant's food as good?
Explain whether this situation is best handled by litigation : Explain whether this situation is best handled by litigation or by a particular form of alternative dispute resolution and determine whether Ms. Greene is an independent contractor or a part-time employee. Provide a rationale for your response.
Play in the use of inferential statistics : What is chance and what role does it play in the use of inferential statistics?


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