MIS771 Descriptive Analytics and Visualisation Assignment

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Reference no: EM132379434



This is an individual assignment, which requires you to analyse a given data set, assemble an interactive dashboard using the Tableau software, and then convey your results as a website through WordPress platform.

The assignment uses the file LasVegas.xlsx, which can be downloaded from CloudDeakin. Analysis of the data requires the use of techniques / software studied in Module 3.

Assurance of Learning

This assignment assesses following Graduate Learning Outcomes and related Unit Learning Outcomes:

Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO)

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities - appropriate to the level of study related to a discipline or profession.

GLO2: Communication - using oral, written and interpersonal communication to inform, motivate and effect change.

GLO3: Digital literacy - using technologies to find, use and disseminate information.

Unit Learning Outcome (ULO)

ULO 1: Apply quantitative reasoning skills to solve complex problems.

ULO 2: Deduce clear and unambiguous solutions in a form that they useful for decision making and research purposes and for communication to the wider public.


You will continue with your role as a master of business analytics student doing an internship at Beautiful Data Inc. In addition to data analytics, the company is specialised in developing insightful and dynamic dashboards for their clients.

Todd has requested you to come up with an interactive business dashboard for one of their clients. In his memo sent to the analytics team via SLACK (see next page), Todd has provided some guidelines on how to tackle the task. In particular, you are expected to explore the LasVegas dataset and develop an interactive dashboard using Tableau Desktop software. Then, you should convey your results as an e- portfolio comprised of a process component and a solution component via WordPress platform.

Dataset Details (accessible via Las Vegas.xlsx file)

The ‘LasVegas' dataset is a Multivariate dataset that provides details on 504 TripAdvisor reviews of the 21 hotels located in the Strip, Las Vegas.

The data collected is grouped into "Review", "User" and "Hotel" features. A brief data description is available from Variable_Descriptions worksheet in the Excel file.

Assignment Deliverables via WordPress

The assignment consists of two main sections (web pages): Process and Solution (accessible via the LasVegas Project menu in the WordPress template). You are required to complete both parts. This assignment is equivalent to 2,500 words.

A) Process Component

You are required to complete this section by completing four pre-set web pages under the process menu. Content presented here should be written in ‘professional' language and must cover the following four aspects:

1) Describe the Audience for your Data Visualisation (to be written under AUDIENCE page)
Describe the audience of the Data Visualisation you intend to create. This section should include a general description of the persona, questions they want to be answered, actions/outcomes your dashboard will be supporting, and the feeling you would like to convey.

2) Identify Data Elements
(to be written under DATA ELEMENTS page)
Using what you have learnt in the lectures and tutorials, first please describe each column in the dataset (note: you should describe all columns regardless of whether you will ultimately use them in your visualisation or not). Then classify the data (example, Categorical, Numerical: Discrete, Continuous / Scales of measurements: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio / Time/Date, Location).

3) Describe at a high level what types of charts you might use to display the data. (to be written under THE RIGHT FIT page)
Based on the data types you described earlier in this section, along with the objectives of the persona you described, describe what charts and visualisations do you think might work well to communicate the information.

4) Finally, describe any data ethics considerations there with the data you intend to use. (to be written under ETHICS page)
Describe any considerations you think you should keep in mind while developing and sharing your visualisation.
Note: While adding content, images, and tables are allowed under these sections (web pages); students are strictly prohibited from moving web page locations, renaming web pages or adding new pages under the PROCESS component.

B) Solution Component

Under the SOLUTION component (WordPress web page), you are expected to have two deliverables, namely, Live Dashboard and Story Telling.
First, using the skills, you have developed in the tutorial sessions (and leveraging any additional training and online support provided by Tableau Inc.) you should develop an interactive dashboard using Tableau Desktop. Then, you should embed your interactive dashboard on the Live Dashboard web page.
Note: Instructions on how to retrieve embed code and import interactive dashboard to WordPress websites is available in the WordPress Instruction Manual.
Under the Story Telling web page, you are expected to capture and describe various screenshots of your interactive dashboard developed using Tableau Desktop.

You can capture screenshots using the Print Screen Key on the keyboard or by using the snipping tool (Windows machines), or you can easily export "Screen images" by using the "Export Image" option from Dashboard menu.
Alternatively, you can annotate the dashboard using "Story" tab in Tableau Desktop.

Your descriptions, comments, or annotations of the interactive dashboard should detail how you have considered the data visualisation framework while developing the interactive dashboard.
The questions below will give you some ideas of the type of comments you should include in this section:

I. What types of charts have you selected and why?
II. How have you used colour (or not)?
III. How have you used hierarchy in your approach?
IV. What interactive components did you introduce?
V. How have you supported the motivations of the persona you defined?
VI. Comment on data sources and any data manipulation you may have performed.
Note: While adding content, images and tables are allowed under these sections (web pages); students are strictly prohibited from moving web page locations, renaming web pages or adding new pages under this PROCESS component.

C) Other components of the WordPress website

There are three web pages on the WordPress website template where you need to provide additional information. These include Welcome to Beautiful Data Inc. (Home page), About Us, and Contact pages.

In the Welcome page, you may provide some information about Beautiful Data Inc. operations as well as the visualisation project, i.e. Las Vegas (be creative).

In the About Us page, you should briefly introduce yourself.

Finally, on the Contact page, students can provide their contact information (you could use fictitious contact information) including, phone number, email address, and social media pages such as LinkedIn etc.

Attachment:- Descriptive Analytics and Visualisation.rar

Reference no: EM132379434

Questions Cloud

Compare the physical assessments among school-aged children : Compare the physical assessments among school-aged children. Describe how you would modify assessment techniques to match the age and developmental stage.
Discuss actions the practical nurse can take to assist : Choose a health topic from the website and answer the following questions in your own words. What topic did you choose? Why did you choose it?
Implementing an electronic health record system : The hospital administration is considering implementing an electronic health record system but is finding that the technology is quite costly.
What are the wishes for end-of-life care : Interview an older family member and find out their wishes for care in their later years. At a minimum consider the following: What are their wishes for end.
MIS771 Descriptive Analytics and Visualisation Assignment : MIS771 Descriptive Analytics and Visualisation Assignment help and solution, Deakin Business school, Assessment help - analyse a given data set, assemble
Whats the major elements of organizational culture : Whats the major elements of organizational culture and discuss how these impact on business management and recommendations
What is the average cost per cleaning service call : ChimneySweep provides cleaning services for residential chimneys and fireplaces. The cleaning service requires $19 in variable costs for cleaning.
What is the variable cost per hour : Wallace Heating is attempting to estimate its costs of manufacturing heating ducts for the coming year using the high-low method.
Establish a successful presence in the market : What steps would you take to establish a successful presence in the market?



9/30/2019 11:01:44 PM

SOLUTION Component (55%) GLO1 GLO3 The visualisation clearly supports the defined persona for insightful, data-driven decision-making. Commentary and annotations provide relevant details on all key components of the dashboard. (44 – 55) Digital Proficiency (5%) GLO3 An exceptionally creative and engaging website designed. All web pages are professional, engaging and aesthetically appealing. The student has gone beyond minimum expectations by including additional information (web pages) to the website. (4 – 5)


9/30/2019 11:01:10 PM

• Communication 5% PROCESS content lacks structure. There is NO logical flow across sub-pages under PROCESS menu. (0 – 1.4) The structure of the PROCESS content was unclear and difficult to follow. (1.5 – 2.4) The PROCESS content had a basic structure but was inconsistent or incomplete. (2.5 – 2.9) All written topic areas were covered and basic structure provided under PROCESS content. (3 – 3.4) PROCESS content was complete and very well presented. (3.5 – 3.9) PROCESS content was skilfully prepared and comprehensively presented. (4 – 5)


9/30/2019 11:01:02 PM

Criteria PROCESS Component (40%) GLO1 GLO2 Very Good Exemplary All Topic areas addressed with clear and complete answers. Evident alignment between personas of interest, questions on the one hand and visualisations on the other. Questions are basic, lacking business value or substantial deliverables (insights) required of top-level decision-making. (24.5 – 27.9) An exceptional understanding of all specified Topic areas clearly demonstrated. Persona of interest is well developed. There is a clear logical link between the choice of visualisation elements and the persona’s objectives. Ethical considerations well thought and clearly argued. (28 – 35)

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