Reference no: EM132411576
MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design Assignment 3 - Video Collage, Laureate International Universities, Australia
Learning Outcomes - The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include: Demonstrate team work skills and empathy while maintaining high level of ethical and legal behaviour and standards as a professional.
Task Summary - Apply human interface design skills and design a prototype either as a web application or a mobile application for an online student enrolment system and create a short video describing the prototype to a client.
Context - In the previous two assessments (i.e. Assessment 1 and 2), you conducted a requirement analysis and a high-level design for an online student enrolment system. Using the human interface design principles and techniques, now it is time to develop a prototype for ABCU and communicate that prototype to the relevant stakeholders involved the project.
Complete the following tasks:
Part A - The Prototype
Based on the case study as well as the requirement analysis and design specification you completed for Assessment 1 and Assessment 2 respectively, develop a prototype for the System. The prototype must address the following criteria:
- conform to human interface design guidelines in Module 5
- reflect all major functional requirements in the case and additional requirements in Assignment 1
- be in a digital form, viz. Please note that hand drawn on a piece of paper is not acceptable
- enable all actors of the System to perform their designated task
- be designed as either a web application XOR a mobile app.
Part B - Video
Record a video of YOU demonstrating the prototype you built in Task 1 to the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Learning and Teaching) of ABCU. The length of the video should be between 13 - 15 minutes. As a minimum, you will need to demonstrate:
- how the prototype/IS solution meets the business requirement of ABCU.
- the advantages of the type of application of choice over the other. For example, if the prototype is a mobile app, demonstrate advantages of a mobile app over a web application.
- how each actor in the System will interact with the System, viz. how they would be able to complete their tasks through the System.
Part C - Peer Evaluation
It is required that each individual student complete a confidential peer evaluation on the other team members.
Please see documents Group Work Guidelines and Group Participation Matrix found in Assessment 3 link via main navigation menu.
Note - You just need to do the prototype diagram. And need to create axure diagram using for application. All the three documents is a part of case study. It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research.
Attachment:- Systems Analysis and Design Assignment Files.rar