Reference no: EM133011823 , Length: word count:2500 words
MIS604 Requirement Engineering Assignment - Torrens University, Australia
Assessment - Requirements Documentation & Lifecycle Management Report
Learning Outcomes - The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Critically evaluate requirements management as it applies to a variety of organisational environments.
b) Demonstrate methods for eliciting, analysing, documenting, and maintaining requirements in an organisational context.
c) Evaluate organisational requirements to maximise effectiveness and promote sustainable business practices.
Task Summary - This Assessment requires you as a group to write a requirements document and lifecycle management report in response to a case study. The same case study will be used for all three assessments so that you can develop insights into the different facets of Requirements Engineering. This is a group report of 2500 words (+/- 10%) and should focus on the following two areas:
a) Requirements Documentation
b) Requirements Lifecycle Management
Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
Context - The focus of Assessment 1 was on the elicitation of requirements. In this second assessment, you will come together as a team and progress to the next step in the requirements process: requirements analysis & documentation, and requirements lifecycle management. Here you will focus on specifying, modelling, verifying and validating requirements using Business Analysis best practice after which you will focus on Requirements Lifecycle Management. This assessment aims to assist you in developing workplace relevant business analysis skills in a predictive planning context.
Task Instructions - Write 2500 words (+/-10%) requirements document and lifecycle management group report which reflects the given case study.
Attachment:- Requirement Engineering Assignment File.rar