Minoritized parents are more likely to hminoritized parents

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Reference no: EM133385375


Studies have indicated that minoritized parents are more likely to have their children removed and placed into foster care than racial or ethnically non-minoritized parents. Historically, American Indian/Alaska Native families have had a disproportionate number of children in out of home care. Why do you think this occurs? Is it a problem? If so, what should be done about it? If not, why not?

Reference no: EM133385375

Questions Cloud

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Minoritized parents are more likely to hminoritized parents : Minoritized parents are more likely to hminoritized parents are more likely to have their children removed and placed into foster care than racial or ethnically
What is appropriate and not appropriate for psychology : According to Roy Baumeister, what is appropriate and what is not appropriate for psychology to do in relation to the concept of free will?
Explain the inter-relation of the three tools : Example of brokerage industry (discussed in lectures) or another example, explain, in depth, three key tools that were used in constructing a positioning map.
What does it mean that any specific psychology : What does it mean that any specific psychology is a combination of a method and an anthropology? Or stated another way, what does this formula mean
How does a person cultural view influence how they define : How does a person's cultural view influence how they define health, illness, and appropriate treatment? Provide at least 2 examples to support your response.


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