Minimize the high employee turnover rate

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Reference no: EM131184308 , Length: word count:3000

Problem Statement-

Hunan Ho-run is facing major human resources problem due to poor or absence of HPWPs in the company. The company is facing huge employee's turnover and is in a stage of crisis due to it. This has lead to high rates of staff wastage, low productivity and high rates of absenteeism. By analysing and discussing with employees, it has been found that company is lacking a positive attitude towards its working environment and employees.  (Zhou, 2009).

The major problem is not in assembly line but it's in the office staff turnover which is causing the problem for the company. Half the number of total office staff has been replaced and has lead to decreased productivity and increased human resource costs. High employee turnover is also costing company in terms of performance. (Zhou, 2009).

Aims & Objectives-

The major aim of this research is to find whether Hunan Ho run can employ some HPWPs practices and methods to minimize the high employee turnover rate so that it will increase its productivity and performance level.  It can be done by analyzing various literatures available in the topic across the World and China especially in High technology companies and by analyzing the data collected by interviewing Staff at the company. (Zhou, 2009)

It is essentials since high performance work practices (HPWPs) can be employed in the organizations with staffing, training and development, performance appraisal, compensation, career development opportunity and employment security. It will empower the organization in keeping a check on the high employee turnover and turnover intentions. This is seen as a major advantage for the organization in developing a good environment for employees. (Zhou, 2009).

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Reference no: EM131184308

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