Mindfulness can be important practice

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133104565

1. Mindfulness can be an important practice when it comes to your personal fitness. What are some other aspects of life in which mindfulness could be helpful, aside from personal fitness? Please explain your answers.

2. When you are immersed in a world of physical fitness, it can be easy to get caught up in the appearance of your body and your overall body image. What are some things in your life and the world we live in, aside from immersion in physical fitness, that may contribute to bad body image issues? Please fully explain your answer.

3. The unit expresses the importance of food when it comes to achieving total fitness and says that food is our friend. Describe what you would consider a full day of healthy eating. Specifically describe the components of each meal that you would eat. You do not need to include exact measurements but a brief explanation of why you chose certain foods should be included.

4. When it comes to developing an exercise and fitness plan, it takes careful and strategic planning. One of the first steps is determining your fitness parameters. But determining your fitness parameters is not just important in creating a personal fitness plan. In what types of professional careers might determining one's own fitness parameters be an important step to take and why? Try to address at least two of the points the unit makes about determining your physical parameters.

5. Assessment is an important part of fitness, and the same idea can be applied to many other areas of our lives. What are some other areas of your life that could benefit from periodic assessment? How would you assess specific areas of your life or activities, and how would this assessment be beneficial?

6. What other areas of life could you apply these three R's to and how? Explain.

7. Imagine that you're a personal trainer. You have a client who is obese and lacks motivation. They also have asthma and high blood pressure. What exercises or fitness routine would you suggest? Why would this be an appropriate routine? How would you help to motivate them along their fitness journey?

8. When you're on a personal fitness journey, there's always the possibility of injury, which can be emotionally devastating and slow you down physically. Keeping this in mind, imagine that you're a long-distance runner and have recently suffered a knee injury. You can no longer run, or even walk, without a knee brace and crutches. What are some ways that you would channel your energy and stay fit even though you can no longer run, jog, or walk unassisted? What are some ways that you would cope with the emotional aspect of this injury? Use specific examples of coping mechanisms from the unit.

9. Many people feel that being overly focused on personal fitness can lead to unhealthy body expectations, eating disorders, or a skewed self-image. How might some of these negative side effects occur if someone was to become too obsessed with personal fitness? Elaborate on some of the possible negative outcomes mentioned-unhealthy body expectations, eating disorders, or a skewed self-image-and how they could be avoided.

10. The unit advises us to "ditch the diet." Do some research online about diets. Give an example of a fad diet that is not healthy and one that is healthy. Explain how you know the difference.

11. Why do you think that eating disorders are so prevalent among teenage girls? What are some possible factors that contribute to eating disorders?

12. Why do you think that eating at home is generally considered healthier than eating out? How can you ensure that you eat healthfully when eating out?

13. Do you think that all people have the same nutritional needs? What factors may cause people's nutritional needs to vary?

14. If you were to be starting your own personal fitness journey for the first time right now, based on everything that you have learned in the unit, where would you begin? What would be some important first steps for you to take? Describe what your personal fitness motivations, goals, and concerns would be.

15. Unit 8 says, "Pushing yourself to do things that enhance your well-being doesn't always feel attractive or fun-sometimes it's just a lot of hard work." What are some other things that you have had to push yourself to do in life to enhance your well-being? How did these things enhance your well-being and why were they such hard work?

16. Maintaining a lifelong fitness regimen can be challenging. Describe some possible reasons that maintaining a fitness routine might be a struggle for a college student, a new mom, and a retired 65-year-old man.

17. Technology has become such a huge part of our lives. What are some ways that increased technology use has negatively impacted personal fitness? What are some ways that it has enhanced personal fitness? Explain.

18. Consider this claim, "Working with a teammate or partners to achieve fitness goals is better than working individually." Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Please elaborate and explain.

19. Imagine that you were born without the ability to see; you are blind and have been since birth. How might this change your own personal body image? Do you think your body image would be more positive or negative than it is now? Why?

20. We all have a unique body composition that we must take into account in terms of our fitness. Consider your own personal body composition. Evaluate aspects of your body composition and how they impact your weight, personal fitness plan, and fitness goals. Discuss how these aspects of your body composition make you feel.

21. The unit tells us that ethnicity plays a role in body image. How might a person's culture and family background shape their body image? How might culture and ethnicity affect perceptions about the role of sports and physical activity? You may choose to examine your own ethnicity or discuss a variety of different ethnicities.

22. Why do you think that tracking the foods you eat and calories you consume can be helpful when trying to lose weight? What negative side effects could result from food tracking and calorie counting?

Reference no: EM133104565

Questions Cloud

Growth of complementary and alternative medicine : What political, economic, and social factors do you think have led to the tremendous interest in complementary and alternative medicine that you see today?
Announcement related to healthcare industry : Conduct a search of media sources to identify one recent news story and/or announcement related to the healthcare industry.
Management of health information : Complementary and alternative medicine pertains to using external products of conventional medicine.
Observation related to human biology or human health : Find an example of a scientific discovery or observation related to human biology or human health
Mindfulness can be important practice : Mindfulness can be an important practice when it comes to your personal fitness. Why do you think that eating disorders are so prevalent among teenage girls?
Intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence : Some psychologists argue that emotional intelligence (or intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence) is one part of overall intelligence
Emerging managed care delivery model : You are to choose an emerging managed care delivery model, Accountable Care Organizations, or Patient-Centered Medical Homes.
Mental health and behavioral health nursing : Mental health and behavioral health nursing. Did you find all of the resources provided by the instructor to be helpful? What do the instructor needs to change.
Conduct self-evaluation of your classrooms : Conduct a self-evaluation of your classrooms with an eye toward the affective. Consider major checkpoints like success


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