Reference no: EM132509085
MIME 2240 - Fluid Mechanics Assignment - Shinas College of Technology, Oman
Q1. An oil of viscosity 5 poise is used for lubrication between a shaft and sleeve. The diameter of the shaft is 500 mm and it rotates at 200 rpm. The thickness of the oil film is 0.2 cm. Calculate the power lost in the oil for a sleeve length of 100 mm. If the speed is reduced to 100 rpm keeping the other parameters constant, what will be the power lost? Compare the result and comment on the effect of speed on the power lost.
Q2. An open tank contains mercury of height 2556 mm and an oil of specific gravity 0.8 of height 125 cm. Find the pressure intensity : (i) at the interface of the two liquids, and (ii) at the bottom of the tank. If we pour another liquid of specific weight 8829 N/m3 to this tank, what will be the pressure intensity values at the interfaces, if the height of this liquid column is 3545 mm. Draw and analyze both cases.
Q3. Find the magnitude and direction of the force acting on a curved surface AB, which is in the form of a quadrant of a circle of diameter 400 cm, by a liquid of specific weight 8600 N/m3, Take the width of the gate 500 mm. If we need the same vertical force and the width is reduced to the half of the given value. What should be the new diameter of the quadrant circle? Compare the horizontal component values of the forces in both the cases.
Q4. An oil of specific gravity 0.65 is contained in a vessel of diameter 255 cm. At a point, the height of oil is 20 m. Find the corresponding height of water at that point which produces the same pressure. If we replace this liquid with another liquid of volume 14. 1 m3 and specific gravity 0.65, what will be the pressure at the bottom of the tank. Represent this pressure in meter of water column. Compare the effect of depth on the both cases related with pressure.
Q5. Circular plate 3 m diameter is immersed in water in such a way that the plane of the plate makes angle of 45o with the free surface of water. Determine the total pressure and position of center of pressure when upper edge of the plate is 2 m below the free water surface. If the same plate is shifted up so that its upper edge is touching the surface keeping the angle same what will be the total pressure and finally its inclination is change to 30o while keeping the upper edge touching the surface what will happen to the total pressure. Compare both the cases and explain what is the effect of depth and inclination on the total pressure.
Q6. Find out the minimum diameter of the glass tube that can be used to measure the water level if the capillary rise in the tube is to be restricted to 0.15 cm. Consider surface tension of water in contact with air is 0.074 N/m. If the diameter of the tube is doubled, what will be the new capillary rise? What is your inference about the effect of diameter on the capillary rise from the results obtained?
Q7. Water flows through a pipe AB of 250 cm diameter at 3 m/s and then passes through a pipe BC of diameter 1.5 m. At C, the pipe branches in to two pipes. Branch CD is 70 cm in diameter and carries three fourth of the flow in AB. The flow velocity in branch CE is 2.5 m/s. Find the volume rate of flow in AB, the velocity in BC, the velocity in CD and the diameter of CE. Analyze the relation of diameter and velocity on discharge from the result obtained.