Millions words in the encyclopedia brittanica

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM13943118

Many computers use one byte (8 bits) of data for each letter of the alphabet. There are 44 millions words in the Encyclopedia Brittanica.

(a) What is the bit density (bit/in^2) of the head of a pin if the entire encyclopedia is printed on it? Assume the average word is five letters long.

(b) What is the byte density? 

(c) What is the area of a single bit in nm^2?

(d) A CD-ROM has a storage density of 46 megabytes/in^2 and a DVD has a storage density of 329 megabytes/in^2. Is the pinhead better or worse than these two storage media? How much better or worse?

Reference no: EM13943118

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