Military in training for operational readiness

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Reference no: EM133416519


1. How does the use of technology assist military in training for operational readiness.

2. WHAT are the challenges of relevance of training on operational readiness in military.

Reference no: EM133416519

Questions Cloud

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Moral and economic state of america : Contextualization-Imagine reading this platform in 1890. What is the platform trying to convince the reader of the moral and economic state of America?
What kind of technology is used to create cave paintings : Why was the discovery of paintings in Chauvet cave so significant? What kind of technology is used to create the cave paintings?
Military in training for operational readiness : How does the use of technology assist military in training for operational readiness.
What stage of policy development : What stage of policy development would healthcare professional use to indicate understanding of policy content as one of four factors defining policy triangle?
How have new media technologies contributed : How have new media technologies contributed to/changed (pick one of the following): (A) democratic participation and political engagement?
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Traditional journalistic standards : Should social media platforms be subject to traditional journalistic standards? Why or why not? Your response should address the question completely.


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