Miles per gallon applicationdrivers are concerned with the

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM13371234

Miles Per Gallon Application

Drivers are concerned with the mileage obtained by their automobiles. One driver has kept track of several tankfuls of gasoline by recording the miles driven and the gallons used for each tankful. Each time the user enters the miles driven and gallons used ( both as Doubles) for a tankful and presses the Calculate MPG Button, the program should calculate the miles per gallon then display the miles driven, gallons used and miles per gallon in ListBoxes as shown in diagram below. The program should also display the total miles per gallon. (Be careful- this is not the average of the miles per gallon for each tankful.) All average calculations should produce floating- point results. Avoid division by zero- if the user enters zero for the number of gallons, in-form the user that the input value for gallons must be greater than zero.

1262_Miles Per Gallon Application.png

Reference no: EM13371234

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