Microsoft office applications enhance productivity

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132609667

1. How does understanding various Microsoft Office applications enhance productivity in education, the workplace, and at home?

2. How can Word Processing software give you the ability to better position for yourself or a business, in today‘s society? Why?

3. How does having an understanding of spreadsheet software help you succeed in your personal or professional life?

4. What did you learn that will give you the ability to create an eye-catching, thought-provoking presentation?

5. How can you use a database in your daily lives?

Reference no: EM132609667

Questions Cloud

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Microsoft office applications enhance productivity : How does understanding various Microsoft Office applications enhance productivity in education, the workplace, and at home?
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Define the various technologies that are emerging : Define the various technologies that are emerging as noted in the article. Note how these emerging technologies are impacting organizations
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