Microeconomic and macroeconomic phenomenon

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM136871

Q1. In reading the national business news that mortgage rates improved by 50 basis points. If mortgage rates were primarily at 6.5%, what are they after this increase

Q2. You are asked to address a professional meeting and explain microeconomics, macroeconomics and their dissimilarities?

Q3. What are the main differences between microeconomics and macroeconomics? Elucidate an example of a microeconomic and macroeconomic phenomenon. Would you give an example of a microeconomic decision you have made at home or work? What issues contributed to making that decision? Illustrate an example of how a macroeconomic phenomenon has impacted a personal or business decision of yours? What was the result of your decision at the end? Write out the text of your speech.

Reference no: EM136871

Questions Cloud

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Trade and production : Economists argue that the move from barter to money increased trade and production. How is this possible.
Non-attendance of a price floor : Under what situation would Gore be better off giving Bush a head start on putting mutually his presidential ticket.
Domestic employment disagreement : The 2 firms form a cartel & arrange to split total industry profits equally. Under this cartel arrangement, they will maximize joint profits.
Microeconomic and macroeconomic phenomenon : Elucidate an example of a microeconomic and macroeconomic phenomenon. Would you give an example of a microeconomic decision you have made at home or work.
Binding decreases the activity of an enzyme : In Staphylococcus epidermidis, bacillus subtilis and escherichia coli, which one has gram- positive, which one has gram-negative? Also, which organism is the biggest? Which one is the least.
Select appropriate symbols for the alleles height : The resulting f1 generation consists of all tall pink flowered plants. Assume that height and flower colour is each determined by a single gene locus on different chromosomes; predict the results of an f1 cross of dihybrid plants. Select appropriate ..
Determined three trades-offs : These 3 basic trade-offs include which goods or services are to be created, how to create them, also who gets them.
Expected phenotypic ratio of the off spring : If there were 200 F2 offspring approximately how many would you expect to be both red eyed and shy. If an F1 Nessie were to be mated to a blue eyed and outgoing Nester what would be expected phenotypic ratio of the off spring use a punnett square.


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