MHF724600 Advanced Solid Waste Management Assignment

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Reference no: EM132476907

MHF724600 Advanced Solid Waste Management - National University of Science and Technology

Aim The aim of this module is to provide the students with knowledge and practical insight of the important concepts, fundamental principles, design, and operation of an engineered landfill.

Learning Outcome 1: Identify and discuss the public health, regulatory, planning, technical, economic principles that influences the solid waste management system within Oman

Learning Outcome 2: Describe appropriate methods to minimize the impact to the public health from solid waste related activities.

Learning Outcome 3: Analyze the importance of an integrated solid waste handling system including source reduction, recycling and reuse, composting, landfilling and combustion.

Learning Outcome 4: Develop a more informed opinion on a variety of solid waste related issues.


Part 1) Study Report

The students have to identify a residential area to observe the quantity and composition of solid waste. Design a landfill based on the population and per capita generation of solid waste. The assessment is based on the study report submission.

Write Study Report in the following order:

a) INTRODUCTION- Write Introduction and details of the site you selected with Google map. Pi diagram for solid waste composition.
b) IDENTIFICATION OF BINS- Mark solid waste Containers locations on the routes (roads) on the google map.
c) LAYOUT OF COLLECTION ROUTE- Mark solid waste collection routes on the google map.
d) DESIGN OF LANDFILL- Write calculations here for the Waste Generation, Total Waste produced, Volume and Area of landfill , Sectional view of landfill with liner system in AutoCAD drawing.
- Write Oman Regulations for solid waste management from research.
f) CONCLUSIONS- Write Conclusions and future recommendations
g) REFERENCES- Write References using Harvard style

Part 1. Select a locality of your choice with approximate number of houses = 5000 and make a big Google map of it.

Part 2. Calculate the amount of Solid Waste produced by the above selected locality assuming a suitable number of persons (say 5) in each home and the waste generation rate in Oman.

Part 3. Mark the locations of the waste containers on the roads seen in the google map and count the total number of waste containers in the selected locality.

Part 4. Mark the Waste Collection Route (Layout) on the roads seen in the google map by the Municipality vehicles.

Part 5. Calculate Volume and Area required for a landfill for 10 year operation based on the solid waste collected. Assume suitable compacted density and height of landfill in 10 years.

Part 6. Make a Drawing of the landfill using AutoCAD showing Landfill Liner System, Leachate Collection System, Waste deposition, Gas Collection and the final cover.

To calculate VOLUME & AREA of the landfill, the following steps can be followed:

1. Assume suitable Waste Generation Rate. (You can get this value from research).

2. Calculate Total MSW Weight per day for that locality (5000 homes)

3. Assume suitable value for the compacted waste density in the landfill. (You can get this value from research, usually around 950 kg/m3 ).

4. Calculate VOLUME requirement per day for the landfill (e.g. Density = Mass/Volume).

5. Calculate Volume requirement for 10 years for the landfill.

6. Assume Height for the compacted waste in the landfill in 10 years (say 10 to 12 meter).

7. Calculate landfill AREA requirements (e.g. Area = Volume/Height).

Requirement for the Report:

Select any residential area with minimum 5,000 houses. Design a landfill for 10 years





Introduction and details of the residential area with Google map.


Brief introduction of the residential area. Locate the area with the help of a Google map. The per capita solid waste generation rate, quantity and composition are to be mentioned.


Design of landfill with liner system in AutoCAD. Show calculations for design.

Engineering design and details of specification. Draw an AutoCAD drawing showing the bottom layers and top layers. Landfill area and volume calculations.


Identification of solid waste collection bins in the residential area.

 Identify the location of solid waste collection bins with the help of a Google map.


Layout of solid waste collection routes

 Identify the number of vehicles. Draw a layout of solid waste collection routes.


Oman regulations

for solid waste management( Be'ah)

Discuss Oman regulations of solid waste management system


Conclusions and future recommendations

What did you learn from the study

Improving measures, recommendations



NU Harvard Style should be followed for both in-text and listing references.

Attachment:- Advanced Solid Waste Management.rar

Reference no: EM132476907

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3/19/2020 11:43:19 PM

ow to do and write study report (Coursework). The procedure is explained to you in the following steps very clearly . Write Study Report in the following order: a) INTRODUCTION- Write Introduction and details of the site you selected with Google map. Pi diagram for solid waste composition. b) IDENTIFICATION OF BINS- Mark solid waste Containers locations on the routes (roads) on the google map. c) LAYOUT OF COLLECTION ROUTE- Mark solid waste collection routes on the google map. d) DESIGN OF LANDFILL- Write calculations here for the Waste Generation, Total Waste produced, Volume and Area of landfill , Sectional view of landfill with liner system in AutoCAD drawing. e) OMAN REGULATIONS- Write Oman Regulations for solid waste management from research. f) CONCLUSIONS- Write Conclusions and future recommendations g) REFERENCES- Write References using Harvard style

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