Reference no: EM132822616
MGT601 Dynamic Leadership - Laureate International Universities
Assessment Part A: Self-Reflective Analysis
Learning Outcome 1: Explore and reflect on self- development as a leader to build self-awareness
Learning Outcome 2: Demonstrate the technique of reflective and reflexive practice as a means of continuous learning and self-development.
The learning design of this subject is to focus on your own leadership journey and not to study leadership as some remote, theoretical concept that applies to other people.
Assessment 1, Part A, starts to build self-awareness by analysing your results on the GallupStrengths Finder psychometric instrument. (See my results attached - PDF)
Assessment 1, Part B, increases your self-awareness through a reflexive journal, working with your partner, understanding your current capabilities and preparing a report on your leadership journey to the present time. Assessment 2 is a report on your plans for your continuing leadership development. The assessment reports should build on each other and should be seen as an integrated plan for your continuing personal and professional development.
Your Task:
Your task in Assessment 1, Part A, is to complete the Gallup Strengths Finder and submit a brief report on the results and their implications for your development as a leader.
Analysing results:
When you receive your results, look at your report and read the background document on the Gallup psychometric assessment. You should then prepare a 500-word report which covers the following issues:
1) A brief discussion of the theoretical foundation of the Gallup Strengths Finder (Positive Psychology) and why it is important.
2) A brief description of how your results reflect your authentic values. Provide a copy of your report as an Appendix. It will not be included in the word count.
3) Your initial reactions to your results: where have you seen these strengths being used in your life to date?
4) Your initial thoughts on the fit between your authentic self (as represented by your strengths) and the way you have approached the university degree for which you are currently studying.
Referencing: 3 quality references
You should include a list of specific references that you have actually used in your report. For this assessment, a minimum of three journal articles, academic papers ortextbooks is expected. References to any secondary sources or web sites are additional. The reference list and Executive Summary (if you choose to use one) and any appendices will not be included in the word count.
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research.
Attachment:- Dynamic Leadership.rar