Reference no: EM132811040
MGT522 Leadership and Communication - Abu Dhabi University
Topic: Leadership for Jeff Weiner
Part 1. Describe your leader through the lens of trait-theory - 500 words max.
Make sure that this part of your essay includes the following points:
• The name of your leader and a short description of achievements
• Two traits - taken from chapter 2 - thatyour leader displays very often and that make your leader unique
• Two cognitive factors - taken from chapter 2 - that your leader displays very often and that make your leader unique
You do this by including very specific examples of behavior and situations for each aspect you emphasize (motive, trait, or characteristic). A specific example looks like: "My leader X often shows X (aspect). For example, she was the first to introduce / he always responded with X when confronted by barriers such as X and X / she was able to overcome X by X / etc. etc."Without appropriate real-life examples to support each point, you can only score half of the marks!
Part 2. Analyze the charisma and transformational qualities of your leader - 500 words max.
Make sure that this part of your essay includesanswers to the following questions:
• What two characteristics of charismatic leaders - taken from chapter 3 - does your leader display? How?
• Imagine you are the advisor to your leader: What two charismatic behaviors to develop - taken from chapter 3 - would you recommend him/her to work on, and why these two more than other charismatic behaviors? There is no need to describe how
• Is your leader transformational - as described in chapter 3? Why (not)?
Again, make sure that you include very specific examples of behavior and situations for each pointyou make (characteristics of charisma, aspects of charisma to develop, transformational). A specific example looks like: "One charismatic trait of my leader X. For example, in a speech to the company about the current economic situation she said X, which made employees feel X / he has a way of making people feel X by doing/saying X / etc. etc."Without appropriate real-life examples to support each point, you can only score half of the marks!
Part 3. Identify the behaviors and styles that your leader utilizes - 500 words max.
Make sure that this part of your essay focuses on:
• Two relationship-oriented behaviors that your leader often displays, with an example for each
• Two task-oriented behaviors that your leader often displays, with an example for each
• Would you describe your leader as autocratic or participative? Why?
As before, make sure that you include very specific examples of behavior and situations for each point you make. Without appropriate real-life examples to support each point, you can only score half of the marks!
Part 4. Situational Leadership - 500 words max.
Make sure that this part of your essay includes answers to the following questions:
• Describe one organizational decision that your leader has had to make or that your leader likely will have to make in the near future (this excludes personal decisions such as resigning or managing personal funds): explain exactly what was/is the situation, and what needed/needs to be decidedregarding the organization?
• Describe each step in the Normative Decision Making Model for the decision that you described: for each criteria (unless it can be skipped according to the model), explain clearly why it is H or L.According to this model, which decision-making style was/is the most appropriate?
• Do you believe that the leadership style of your leader is quite consistent (stable, not changing much over the years) orcontingent(changing depending on the situation at hand)? NOTE: do not focus on the content of decisions/strategies and how they might be adapted to the situation at hand; instead, focus on the style of motivating (transformational versus transactional), style of decision-making (one of the four types), or type of behaviors (high or low in relation versus task). Provide two arguments/examples to support your opinion.
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