Reference no: EM133036094 , Length: 2500
MGSC 5121 Sections 10 & 16
What/ How - The Project format and requirements are as follows:
· Your submission will be in the format of a research paper.
· The paper will be a fulsome narrative exploring the decision variables and final recommendation to a 'Canadian Company' looking to source fresh chicken for their food manufacturing business.
· Requirements:
Lever the EPIC Model (Chapter 2) to analyze and discuss the viability of a global sourcing initiative assuming 'Canadian
Company' is seeking to procure fresh chicken for further processing and distribution both domestically and for export. The paper will be a minimum 2,000 words before illustrations, citations, and references. Your goal is to demonstrate your ability to lever the EPIC model, and other research to outline the challenges and opportunities for sourcing fresh chicken for further processing. Wherever possible, quantify and qualify your discussion.
You should also consider non-tariff trade barriers, and current Trade Agreements, which indicate a deeper understanding gained through reading and study, combined with the EPIC source materials:
· Global Affairs Canada (GAC) - Canada's Supply Management
· Allocations/ Tariff Rate Quotas (TRQs)
· Canada US Mexico Trade Agreement (CUSMA) aka "the new NAFTA"
· Canadian Border Security Agency (CBSA)
· Import and Export Permits