Reference no: EM133080226
MGMT6002 The Positive Leader - Southern Cross University
Aim: This unit introduces students to the latest evidence-based research about how leaders can build organisational and individual support for employees, which reduces their stress and increases their wellbeing and engagement. The student will undertake assessment that builds lifelong learning, communication, social skills and cultural competence by developing and running an evidence based targeted training package for different types of employees and then analysing its impact and effectiveness.
Learning outcome 1: Differentiate types of leadership requiredfor developing engaged employees basedon awareness and respect of groupdiversity.
Learning outcome 2: Relate authentic leadership, effective Leader-Member Exchange and management support and the psychological capital of employees basedon the recognition and legitimacy ofemployee group differences.
Learning outcome 3: Run a targeted evidence based intervention for different types of employees to develop their competency to communicate in a professional settingbased on listening to the views ofparticipants and then re-directing the slant of the presentation to meet the needs of specific clientele.
Learning outcome 4: Analyse and reflect upon aninterventionto increase employee outcomes using aprocess of reflecting how othersreceived the training package.
Assessment: Essay
Background: Being a positive leader involves awareness that effective leadership is relational, which in turn requires you to understand the needs of employees. Engaging young professional males in the workplace may require a different approach from engaging experienced baby boomers professional females. Similarly, ethnicity can also affect employees needs in the workplace. This assessment provides an opportunity to synthesise the many studies about how employee diversity should inform authentic leadership behaviours.
Purpose: The following assessment aims to promote skills associated with GA7 Cultural competence. Leaders need an awareness and understanding of the diversity of employees in terms of demographics, gender, education and expertise and ethnicity if they want to engage them (LO1). This assessment expects students to master competency in understanding the links between "authentic leadership, effective Leader-Member Exchange and management support and the psychological capital of different types of employees" (LO2).
Task: Essay
You are required to write an essay. There are three options from which you may choose one. The essaymust be supported by in-text citations and a reference list on the final page. You are expected to analyse and integrate theoretical and practical knowledge to demonstrate how you would implement positive leadership behaviours in your workplace or the workplaces described by the business owners and managers.
Option 1:
Listen to the interviews given by the business owners and managers, roundtable discussions and youtube interviews found in the ‘Unit Content' area under ‘Student Resources' in Blackboard. These resources show various levels of authentic leadership and also discuss the link between authentic leadership and employees' Psychological Capital, wellbeing and performance. You are expected to:
(1a) Use at least five journal articles about authentic leadership and/or Psychological Capital to compare and contrast the extent to which at least two business owners or managers display authentic leadership behaviour and high PsyCap, and,
(1b) Evaluate which strategies/pathways could be used to improve their authentic leadership behaviours to increase a diverse group of employees' Psychological Capital, performance and wellbeing. You can focus on two owners/managers, or compare and contrast different examples.
Option 2:
(2a) Use at least five journal articles about authentic leadership and/or Psychological Capital to compare and contrastthe extent to which you demonstrate authentic leadership behaviour and high PsyCap when managing, and,
(2b) Apply your new knowledge and skills about authentic leadership and PsyCap to develop a pathway for you to become a more effective positive leader. Use the unit content and the reading list to identify what behaviours in leaders are most likely to create better outcomes for a diverse group of employees (in terms of age, gender, ethnicity). Make sure you identify the relationships between specific behaviours and the outcomes based on the evidence in the research articles in the reading list.
Option 3
(3a) Use at least five journal articles about authentic leadership and/or Psychological Capital to compare and contrastthe extent to which management in your workplace demonstrate authentic leadership behaviour and high PsyCap when managing you (and/or your colleagues), and,
(3b) Apply your new knowledge and skills about authentic leadership and PsyCap to develop a pathway for them to become more effective positive leaders. Use the unit content and the reading list to identify what behaviours in leaders are most likely to create better outcomes for a diverse group of employees (in terms of age, gender, ethnicity). Make sure you identify the relationships between specific behaviours and the outcomes based on the evidence in the research articles in the reading list.
Attachment:- The Positive Leader.rar