Methods for dissemination and implementation

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM13934199

1) Are the reasons for developing the guidelines clearly stated?  Yes No
Comments: What are the reasons?

2. Is there a satisfactory description of the patients to whom the guidelines are meant to apply? Yes No
Comments: Who are they?

3. Do the guidelines describe the condition to be detected, treated, or prevented in unambiguous terms? Yes No
Comments: If so, how is it described?

4. Do the guidelines list the patient outcomes that are considered? Yes No
Comments: If so, what are all of them?

5. Is there an adequate description of the health benefits that are likely to be gained from the recommended management? Yes No
Comments: What are the benefits?

6. Was a cost analysis done? Yes No
Comments: If so, what were the results?

7. Does the guideline document suggest possible methods for dissemination and implementation? Yes No
Comments: Is so, what are they?

8. Does the guideline document specify criteria for monitoring compliance? Yes No

9. Does the guideline document identify key elements which need to be considered by local guideline groups? Yes No
Comments: What are these key elements?

10. What are the recommendations relevant to the PICO question? ( This is the PICO question: For adults over 50 years, does the use of fish oil supplements and/or omega-3 fatty acids reduce the future risk of cardiovascular disease compared with adults over 50 years who do not take these supplements.:

11. What is the level/type of evidence - I, II, III, IV, or V) for this source?

Reference no: EM13934199

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