Reference no: EM132807652
Part A
Provide answers to all of the questions below:
1. Outline two methods for conducting cost-benefitanalysis.
2. Describe two creativity theories and their application to workplace in novation.
3. Describe the diffusion of innovation theory and why a manager implementing an innovation may find this theory useful.
4. Outline the concept of a learning organisation.
5. Explain the concept of shared vision as an important organisational learning principle.
6. Explain the concept of team learning as an important organisational learning principle.
7. Identify and discuss in detail five quality management and continuous improvement theories.
8. Discuss the implications for businesses of Kotter's 8-Step change model for transformational change.
9. Explain the purpose of the ISO 9000 Standards for Quality Management and the standards that areincluded.
10. Describe the concept of risk as identified in the Australia/New Zealand Standard for Risk Management (AS/NZS ISO31000:2009).
11. Describe the concept of risk management and outline the factors that make a risk management system successful and the factors that may inhibit effective riskmanagement.
12. In your own words, describe the seven steps in the risk management process as outlined in AS/NZS ISO31000:2009.
13. Identify and outline three different sustainability practices common in Australian workplaces
Attachment:- Continuous improvement and innovation project.rar