Methodology section

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Reference no: EM133034894

Question 1. When choosing between the articles, the best articles are ones with a methodology section. When conducting research, a methodology section is important because it allows the reader to critically evaluate a study's overall validity and reability. I personally like peer-reviewed articles that conduct their own research because it shows that not only did they go by secondary resources but also intended to conduct their own research and findings even if the outcome was as expected. Also the number of people who cited that article also known as hit count can be beneficial, the more people that have cited the article in the past, the more influential the article is. Also, when choosing between the articles it is important to select the most recent ones. Research changes overtime and to have a more accurate result and understanding of your topic of interest, the researcher should not select articles over ten years old. In addition, when selecting the articles, make sure you have a full text article instead of just a summary. The main three things that I look for in articles are the abstract, methodolody and conclusion.

Question 2. When selecting an article, I believe that several factors should influence the decision being made. For instance, relevancy is obviously incredibly important and should be one of the biggest considerations being made. Articles that lack relevancy to the topic the author is trying to explore would be too out of place in a work about the subject. Second, how reputable and cited the article is are also important, as it means others agreed with their take on the subject and felt it was worth exploring and considering too. Finally, I would consider how the work is structured and whether a study misses major points, or if it is a sufficient piece of research to address a topic. When viewing works on a topic, it should be clear which ones fall short by seeing their research methods and outcomes. Comparing these articles should eliminate some options and further highlight helpful articles.

Question 3. When choosing an article or articles, I usually look for methods conducted in the study. This gives me the largest amount of information and allows me to understand how the study was conducted, who or what was involved, and what practices were used to determine the outcomes. I also like to look at the date of the article to make sure it's relevant for the current time period. Many times have I grabbed an article only to realize it was dated 15 years prior, a lot can change in 15 years especially in methodology and procedure. I also like to look at the conclusion and findings of an article to see what the outcome was or if it was useful to whatever the topic of my writing is. Depending on the topic, a person could use an article that wasn't effective to compare it to an article that was effective and see the differences in practices and methods.

Question 4. The way to choose for the best articles, you would have to first identify the topic of research and identify what type of paper you are writing. For example, the paper we have to write for our class should only refrence empirical articles. These articles should consist of a primary study or research. The way to determine if an article is empirical or contains a primary study is by identifying an abstract and methods section within the article. Also, If the number of times an article has been cited by other authors is a good indicator that that you found a good article. Another thing to consider when finding articles is to check the date when an artilcle was published. Recent articles are the best to use because it contains the most up to date information.

Question 5. In choosing between articles to see which is the best one, I look at a lot of different factors. I first want to see how the study was conducted and if that method of research was the best method in finding results. I also look at how much information the article has so I can use that information to further help me out on the paper. I also want to see how reputable the article is to see how many other authors and users looked at this article and felt that the article provided a lot of good information and is worth giving it a look. In comparison to other articles I can use, I compare all the articles I found to see which ones stand out more, gives me the best data possible and using other articles that are a little different from one another because I don't want to bring up two articles that bring up the same type of information when I can use a different article that provides me with different information and can help build up my paper better.

Reference no: EM133034894

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