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BUS606 Business Research Proposal and Literature Review
Research Proposal and Literature Review
Learning Outcome 1: Demonstrate an advanced ability to initiate and prepare an original research proposal.
Learning Outcome 2: Demonstrate an advanced ability to prepare a literature review based on the support of an original research proposal.
Learning Outcome 3: Demonstrate a critical appreciation of the ethical issues associated with an original research proposal and their implications for the research and for the acceptability of the research by an ethics review committee.
Learning Outcome 4: Critically evaluate the coherence, relevance and methodological merits of a given body of literature.
Learning Outcome 5: Demonstrate a critical understanding of the theoretical, practical and professional contexts and significance of the research.
Learning Outcome 6: Prepare a literature review that identifies and discriminates between concepts, issues, key findings and relevant theories most pertinent to the research proposal which the review supports.
Assessment Task: In this task, you will develop a research proposal for a research project addressing Leadership and Management issues that is aligned to one of the Research Clusters in the School of Business. This research proposal will be used to allocate your Research Supervisors who will be appointed to supervisor your Master of Business Research thesis and will also be reviewed by the Research Committee to complete your Confirmation of Candidature requirements.
Drawing on your synthesis of the existing research literature in business and allied fields, you will identify a research question based on the theoretical, professional, or organizational 'gap' for a business problem that your proposed research will address. You will analyze the implications of various theoretical approaches in order to choose and develop an appropriate theoretical framework for your research. You will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of various methodological approaches before choosing and justifying a preferred methodology for your research.
You research proposal and literature review should comprise the following sections:
Research Project Title: A working title for the Master of Business Research thesis that is no more than 12 words
Research Cluster: Identify the Research Cluster aligned to your research project
- Cluster 1: Leadership and Management of Large Corporations
- Cluster 2: Leadership and Management of Not-for Profit Organisations
- Cluster 3: Leadership and Management of Start-ups, SMEs and Family Business
- Cluster 4: Leadership and Management of Technological and Digital Transformation Cluster 5: Leadership and Management of Sustainable Business Operations
- Cluster 6: Leadership and Management of Government and Multilateral Organisations
- Cluster 7: Leadership and Management of Tourism and Hospitality Organisations
Executive Summary of the Research Project: In one paragraph state the purpose of the research, the research approach and the conclusion from the project.
Introduction: The introduction should provide an overview of the research project and issues addressed by the research. Place your project in conversation with other projects on similar topics.
Justification for the Research: Provide justifications for your project by explaining the need for the research, why your proposed research is important and what is the expected contribution of your research to the field of study.
Review of literature: The literature review should address and synthesise the relevant literature and prior research in the parent disciplines and relevant sub-disciplines.
Identification and definition of key terms: All key terms used need to be identified and definitions justified.
Evaluation of current theory and practice: Critically evaluate the current theories relevant to the research and identify gaps and related issues that the research project will address.
Research Objectives: State the general purpose of the project and outline the specific objectives you want to achieve by undertaking the research project.
Attachment:- Business Research Proposal.rar