Reference no: EM133253856
1. What was the aim and method of the Tuskegee "study?"
2. How did experiments and doctors get patients to undergo a spinal tap, what was the spinal tap advertised as?
3. What was wrong with physicians telling the men that the spinal tap is a "special treatment?"
4. What happen to Herman Shaw when he tried to get treatment to syphilis in Birmingham?
5. When presented with undisputed evidence that men in the Tuskegee "study" were dying, was penicillin offered to the men in order cure syphilis? What was the rational behind the decision?
6. Why did the Nazis forcefully, actively euthanize intellectually disabled people (including children), called "unproductive patients," even though these people, by the Nazi's own account, were Aryan Germans? How were these people murdered?
7. Why was there a separate trial for SS physicians in Nuremberg (1948) and who was the largest professional group to join the SS?
8. What was Carl Clauberg's, who was a German gynecologist, main project at the Auschwitz concentration camp, and what were the motivation for the project and the final goal for the project?
9. Who was Josef Mengele and was he so interested in twins? Why did he try to have twins forcefully sewn together? What was the methodological fundamental flaw in Mengele's research?
10. How ethical issues are interwoven with scientific issues in the two documentaries that you watched for this worksheet.