Reference no: EM13853313
Below is the list of what would be considered adequate for each section graded. In your grading, be fair but also grade honestly. You will receive points based on how well you do this. If anything is less than adequate in your opinion, you need to decide what score to give between 0 and 3 points. The student is allowed to answer up to three questions with "No information available". For these answers they will receive 5 points. Any answer over the three allowed will receive a "0" for that category.
IMPORTANT: Send as an attachment on Blackboard, just the first page of this document. Save it in this format: Your first name last name peer's first name last name. Use no punctuation, just spaces.
The following sections should be included.
1. Dates (Birth/Death/Major Milestones)
2. Birthplace and Major Locations during Life
3. Musical Training (school, conservatory, individualized, self-taught, etc.)
4. Performance Instrument(s) (trained on what instrument/s)
5. Historical Importance (what difference did this composer/musician make in his/her lifetime or after in the history of music?)
6. Style(s) of Writing/Performing (did they fit in the time period, with a certain group, etc.)
7. Method of Composing (write at piano, in head, etc.)
8. Musical Innovations and/or Inventions (was there anything new that this composer/musician did)
9. Interesting Facts (at least 3)
10. Interactions with Other Composers (friends/enemies with other composers, helped by other composers)
11. Major Types of Compositions (Did he/she focus on one type, like jazz ballad, pop song, etc., or write/perform for about everything?)
12. Occupation(s) (how did he/she make a living?)
13. Family Life (growing up, married, children, single, etc.?)
14. Major Works and/or Major Recordings (at least 3), with Description of Each Work.
15. Text(s) Cited (at least 3 other than class text. You can use Encyclopedias for one of these texts. I would prefer the Encyclopedia Britannica [digital or print], rather than other Encyclopedias such as Encarta or World Book).
16. Websites Cited (at least 3, no Wikipedia)