Meta-synthesis of qualitative research

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Reference no: EM131340235 , Length:

The dignity of the nursing profession: A meta-synthesis of qualitative research


Background: Nursing continues to gain legitimation epistemologically and ontologically as a scientific discipline throughout the world. If a profession gains respect as a true autonomous scientific profession, then this recognition has to be put in practice in all environments and geographical areas. Nursing professional dignity, as a self-regarding concept, does not have a clear definition in the literature, and it has only begun to be analyzed in the last 10 years.

Objectives: The purpose of this meta-synthesis was to determine the various factors that constitute the notion of nursing professional dignity. The target was to create a tentative model of the concept.

Research design: The research design was a meta-synthesis (N ¼ 15 original articles) of nursing profes- sional dignity described in the literature, based on the guidelines by Noblit and Hare.

Method and findings: Original studies were sought out from electronic databases and manual searches. The selection of literature was conducted on stages based on titles (n ¼ 2595), abstracts (n ¼ 70), and full- texts (n ¼ 15) according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. From this analysis, a clear definition of nursing professional dignity emerged that underscored two main macro-dimensions constituting this intertwined, multidimensional, and complex notion: characteristics of the human beings and workplace elements.

Conclusion: The recognition of nursing professional dignity could have a positive impact on patients because the results clearly showed that nurses are more prone to foster patients' dignity, patients' safety, and a better quality of care if their own dignity is respected. If nurses are uncomfortable, humiliated, or not seen in their professional role, it is difficult to give to others good care, good support, or good relationships.Critique of Research Studies - Part 3:

For Part 3 of the critique, focus only on the following segments for each article:

  • Results
o Data analysis
o Findings
o Reliability and Validity
  • Discussion
o Interpretation of findings
o Implications/recommendations
  • Global Issues
o Presentation
o Researcher credibility
o Summary assessment

  • Results
o Data analysis
o Findings
o Theoretical integrations
  • Discussion
o Interpretation of the findings
o Implications/recommendations
  • Global Issues
o Presentation
o Researcher credibility
o Summary assessment

Attachment:- Quantitative research.rar

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The assignment is about analyzing qualitative and quantitative aspect of healthcare sector. A brief introduction about both the processes and a brief conclusion on the same have been written. Meta synthesis method was used for qualitative analysis of nursing profession; various statistical parameters were applied to quantitatively analyze the health care access from consumer's perspective. The assignment is written on MS Word. APA format for citation and reference was used.

Reference no: EM131340235

Questions Cloud

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1/4/2017 2:17:37 AM

20.0 % Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language use) The writer is clearly in command of standard, written academic English. 5.0 % Paper Format (1- inch margins; 12-point-font; double-spaced; Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier) All format elements are correct. 5.0 % Research Citations (In-text citations for paraphrasing and direct quotes, and reference page listing and formatting, as appropriate to assignment) In-text citations and a reference page are complete. The documentation of cited sources is free of error.


1/4/2017 2:17:32 AM

14.0 % Qualitative Results: Data analysis, findings, and theoretical integrations Critique thoroughly addresses all guidelines and criteria for each of the qualitative results components. Critique is supported with relevant evidence. 11.0 % Qualitative Discussion: Interpretation of the findings and implications-recommendations Critique thoroughly addresses all guidelines and criteria for each of the quantitative discussion components. Critique is supported with relevant evidence. 10.0 % Qualitative Global Issues: Presentation, researcher credibility, and summary assessment Critique thoroughly addresses all guidelines and criteria for each of the qualitative discussion components. Critique is supported with relevant evidence


1/4/2017 2:14:32 AM

14.0 % Quantitative Results: Data examination and discoveries. Scrutinize completely addresses all rules and criteria for each of the quantitative outcomes parts. Investigate is bolstered with applicable confirmation. 11.0 % Quantitative Discussion: Interpretation of the discoveries and suggestions/proposals Critique completely addresses all rules and criteria for each of the quantitative discourse parts. Scrutinize is bolstered with important confirmation. 10.0 % Quantitative Global Issues: Presentation, specialist believability, and rundown appraisal Critique completely addresses all rules and criteria for each of the quantitative worldwide issues segments. Study is bolstered with significant confirmation.


1/4/2017 2:13:16 AM

Follow the instructions provided in "Critique of Research Studies part 3 Write 600-800 word on each research method. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. ALL REQUIRED PAPERS ATTACHED.

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