Mental health issues and cognitive impairment

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM133220311

HEAL 13431 Mental Health Issues and Cognitive Impairment

In groups of 2 (individual assignments will not be accepted), create a video that demonstrates effective techniques for dealing with a client, or family member, who is upset, angry and aggressive. For this assignment, you may request to be partnered with a specific student, otherwise you will be assigned a partner. Student should meet in a virtual setting such as zoom, virtual classroom, etc. to record this assignment. In your group, you will create two realistic scenarios where a client, or family member, is in crisis and has become angry and aggressive toward their PSW. Each student will have the opportunity to be the PSW and a client/family member. The student, taking the role of the PSW, will interact with the client/family member to calm and deescalate the situation, so the client does not become angry. You must demonstrate how you would approach the individual and diffuse the anger, so they do not become violent. You will need to demonstrate the techniques we have discussed in class to deescalate your situation e.g., HEAT.

Additionally, each student will submit an individual one-page summary of their experience acting as the PSW and the techniques/words used to de-escalate the situation and calm their client. Course content should be used to support the rationale for your strategies. Your summary should be in format. A cover letter and reference page should also be included but are not included in the one-page limit. Students should record each scenario as separate videos. Each student will then be responsible for uploading their one-page summary and their video scenario (as the PSW) to the assignment box on the assignment due date.

In your role play assignment you will demonstrate:

1. The correct way to deescalate a client who is upset and angry.

Evaluation Plan

1. The situation that is demonstrated should be realistic and shows a client who is angry and threatening. The presentation should be audible, original, and creative.

2. The appropriate techniques for dealing with aggression are clearlydemonstrated. The techniques are effective for decreasing the aggression in the

**A penalty of 10% (per day) will be deducted from your grade for all late submissions.

Assignments that are more than three days late will not be accepted for grading, no exceptions, and student will receive an incomplete (i.e., zero) for the assignment.

Reference no: EM133220311

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Mental health issues and cognitive impairment : In groups of 2 (individual assignments will not be accepted), create a video that demonstrates effective techniques for dealing with a client, or family member,
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Explain recent diagnostic tests : Recent Diagnostic tests: (list X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, ECGs, Ultrasounds, Cardiac Catheterizations, etc)


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