Mental health counseling

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Reference no: EM13342231

Read the following Case:

Mental Health Counseling

Susan, a 75-year-old client with Parkinson's disease, has recently moved in with her daughter and her daughter's husband. She has done this because she has become unsteady on her feet and is afraid of falling. She has no other relatives and her only other option would be to move to a state-funded assisted-care facility. Susan seems to adjust well initially, although she says her son-in-law has never really liked her. Several weeks later, she begins to have bruises on her arms when she comes in to see you. Susan explains that she has been falling more and this is the source of the bruising. When you ask her about the atmosphere in the home she says, "it's fine, just fine," and then changes the subject. At the last session, Susan arrives with her arm wrapped in a bandage. She claims to have burned it but begins crying when you press her for details. You suspect that the tension is mounting at home and that Susan has begun to be abused. However, she adamantly denies this is happening and begs you not to bother her daughter and son-in-law.

Discuss the Following:

What legal and ethical issues are apparent in the case? List each issue and the corresponding state law or ethical standard.

What additional information would you want to obtain in this situation, and how would you proceed in order to obtain it?

What actions would you consider taking to address this situation?

Support your ideas with specific examples and references to the professional literature.

Reference no: EM13342231

Questions Cloud

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What types of remediation activities or programs : Counselor educators and supervisors are seen as gatekeepers for the profession, ensuring that learners who graduate from their programs are competent to provide counseling services to the public. In many graduate counseling programs, attending person..
Mental health counseling : What legal and ethical issues are apparent in the case? List each issue and the corresponding state law or ethical standard. What additional information would you want to obtain in this situation, and how would you proceed in order to obtain it? What..
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Develop a plan of action to address this situation : Identify the possible legal and ethical issues in this situation and identify the relevant legal and ethical codes that would address these issues. Develop a plan of action to address this situation.
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Null hypothesis say about the treatment : A researcher selects a sample and administers a treatment to the individuals in the sample. If the sample is used for a hypothesis test, what does the null hypothesis (Ho) say about the treatment?


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