Membership with decidable equality exercise

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM133170102

Assignment: Properties and logic

Exercise 1: Membership with decidable equality

(** Recall the type [sumbool] from ProSeSu22.v*)
(** An alternate way to characterize decision procedures, widely used in Coq, is via the inductive type [sumbool].

Suppose [Q] is a proposition, that is, [Q: Prop].
- We say [Q] is _decidable_ if there is an algorithm for computing a proof of [Q] or [~Q].
- More generally, when [P] is a predicate (a function from some type [T] to [Prop]), we say [P] is decidable when [forall x:T, decidable(P)].

We represent this concept in Coq by an inductive datatype: *)

(** Locate sumbool. =>

Inductive Coq.Init.Specif.sumbool

Print sumbool. =>

Inductive sumbool (A B : Prop) : Set := left : A -> {A} + {B} | right : B -> {A} + {B} you can find more about sumbool in ProSeSu22.v (in the course material folder) *)

Definition deceq (X: Type) := forall (x y : X), {x = y} + {x <> y}.

(** Now let us generalize what we did for lists natural numbers. Recall that [sumbool]s can be treated as "fancy bools"... *)

Fixpoint inb {X:Type} (d: deceq X) (a: X) (l : list X) : bool (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.

(** The [sumboolP] view can prove quite useful below. *) Print sumboolP.

Theorem inbP {X:Type} (d: deceq X) n l : reflect (In n l) (inb d n l).
Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

(** Let us now return to [nat]s, but in a somewhat roundabout way. *)

(** Here is yet another way of stating that a type has decidable equality. *)

Inductive booleq {X : Type} (d: X -> X -> bool) :=
Beq : (forall x : X, d x x = true) ->
(forall x y : X, d x y = true -> x = y) -> booleq d.

Theorem refbool {X: Type} {d: X -> X -> bool} (be: booleq d) : deceq X.
Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

(** Now you might search a bit for theorems about [eqb], or prove the following fact directly. *)

Theorem eqb_wrap : booleq eqb.
Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Corollary innatP {X:Type} n l : reflect (In n l) (inb (refbool eqb_wrap) n l).
Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

(** The last result should be just an application of [inbP]. *)

(** Of course, there is a still quicker route to show inhabitation of [deceq nat]: standard library... *)

Check eq_dec.

Definition exact_deceq : (deceq nat). exact (eq_dec). Defined.

Exercise 2: Reflection for predicates on lists

(** The standard library offers an inductive predicate for comparing lists wrt to a given binary relation *)

Print Forall2.


Inductive Forall2 (A B : Type) (R : A -> B -> Prop) : list A -> list B -> Prop :=
Forall2_nil : Forall2 R [] []
| Forall2_cons : forall (x : A) (y : B) (l : list A) (l' : list B),
R x y -> Forall2 R l l' -> Forall2 R (x :: l) (y :: l')

(** First, let us recall what it means for a relation to be reflected by a binary function. *)

Definition Rreflected {A B : Type} (R : A -> B -> Prop) (f: A -> B -> bool) :=
forall a b, reflect (R a b) (f a b).

(** Define its boolean counterpart. It might be a good idea to do pattern matching on two arguments at the same time. *)

Fixpoint forall2 {A B : Type} (R : A -> B -> Prop) (f: A -> B -> bool) (P: Rreflected R f) (la: list A) (lb : list B) : bool (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.

(** In the following proof, you might:
- want to think whether you do induction first, or rather apply some trivial reflection view first to split the goal
- recall you can handle boolean conjunctions with [move => /andP ...]
- realize that (instantiated) premises can be also used as reflection views.

Theorem forall2P {A B : Type} (R : A -> B -> Prop) (f: A -> B -> bool) : forall (P: Rreflected R f), Rreflected (Forall2 R) (forall2 R f P).
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise 3: constructive quantification

(** Many of familiar laws for quantifiers still hold for constructive logic.

Here and everywhere below you can actually provide a normal tactic proof if writing down proof term provides too difficult. *)

Definition notexists_forallnot : forall (X:Type) (P : X -> Prop),
~ (exists x : X, P x) -> (forall x : X, ~ P x)
(* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.

Definition forallnot_notexists : forall (X:Type) (P : X -> Prop),
(forall x, ~ P x) -> ~ (exists x, P x)
(* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.

Definition forallnot_equiv_notexists : forall (X:Type) (P : X -> Prop),
(forall x, ~ P x) <-> ~ (exists x, P x)
(* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.

Definition forallnotnot_equiv_notexistsnot : forall (X:Type) (P : X -> Prop),
(forall x, ~ ~ P x) <-> ~ (exists x, ~ P x)
(* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.

Lemma CEpqENpNq : forall P Q, (P <-> Q) -> (~P <-> ~Q).
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Definition notforallnot_equiv_notnotexists : forall (X:Type) (P : X -> Prop),
~(forall x, ~ P x) <-> ~ ~ (exists x, P x)
(* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.

Definition existsnot_notforall : forall (X:Type) (P : X -> Prop),
(exists x, ~ P x) -> ~ (forall x, P x)
(* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.

Definition forall_notexistsnot : forall (X:Type) (P : X -> Prop),
(forall x, P x) -> ~ (exists x, ~ P x)
(* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.

(** How about the converse of the last one? As it turns out, it requires classical logic, see below ... *)

(** [] *)

Attachment:- Assignment3_exercises.rar

Reference no: EM133170102

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6/24/2022 10:03:56 PM

I''ve already requested this functional programming assigment (Coq). therefore now instead of the 5 exercises (full assigment) I would like only the first 3 exercises (now it’s 187 lines of code instead of 328) and without the more difficult parts of them. I mean, only the 70-80% of the first 3 exercises, omitting the harder tasks. The deadline is also extended till 29 10am. (I’m uploading a new zip) The concrete assignment is here: HAssignment3_exercises3 I''ve also included the course material. It would be nice if you could use mostly Vanilla Ltac tactics instead of SSReflect. Also would be nice if you could use those tactics and styles of proving/defining which are used in the course material too.

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