Member information in the member register

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13908839

RockNJazz Universal Album is a leading music library in Florida. The library has various branches located in Weston, Miami, Phoenix, and Greensboro. Each branch of the library has a huge collection of music and movie cassettes, DVDs, and CDs that the members of the library can borrow. To borrow CDs, DVDs, or cassettes from the library, the members need to register themselves with the library by paying a nominal non-refundable fee.

To maintain member records, the library has hired an executive who maintains member information in the Member register. The details stored in this register consist of MemberID, MemberName, Gender, Address, and the amount paid by each member. After registration, a member receives a lifetime membership ID that he/she needs to quote while borrowing from the library. Each time a member borrows or returns a CD, DVD, or cassette, the executive at the issuing counter needs to update the Issue/Return register. The Issue/Return register stores the following details:

MemberID MemberNam

Reference no: EM13908839

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