Melville say about selfishness vs selflessness

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133339550

Case: American literature by Whitman, Melville, and Dickinson exemplifies a sense of loss. You will address each of the following in a full, short answer paragraph. This is not an essay. It is four separate full, short answer paragraph responses focusing on the given prompt for each. You do not need to submit separate pages. Simply number your first response 1. and then continue with 2., 3., etc.

Walt Whitman: What does the work of Whitman say about the beauty of the individual vs the beauty of the collective?

Herman Melville: What does the work of Melville say about selfishness vs selflessness?

Emily Dickinson: What do the works of Dickinson say about the individual vs. God?

Synthesis: What does the literature of Weeks 14 and 15 say about loss?

Reference no: EM133339550

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