Reference no: EM133151713
Coffee Bags Café - Meeting Policy and Procedure
Purpose and Scope
This policy establishes the process for the management of formal meeting at Coffee Bags Café. The aim of this policy is to ensure and maintain meeting protocols, associated action plans and recording processes to maximise communication within Coffee Bags Café.
This policy only applies toformal meetings which are limited to the following:
• Monthly Management Meetings
• Bi-annual Risk Management Meetings
• Annual Audit Meetings
• Annual General Meetings (AGM)
• Strategic Planning Meetings (as required)
• Critical Incident Meetings (if required)
• Emergency Meeting (if required)
2. Responsibilities
The General Manger has the overall responsibility to ensure this policy is implemented and maintaining.
3.1 All reports/ supporting documents required to be included in meeting materials must be submitted no later than eight (8) days prior to scheduled meeting date.
3.2 Meeting agenda must be distributed to meeting attendees seven (7) days prior to scheduled meeting date, unless the meeting is either a Critical Incident or Emergency Meeting.
3.3. All formal meetings must be recorded in the Meeting Minutes Template "See Appendix A" by an individual other than the meeting Chair. Minute-taker to be briefed on this method of recording Meeting Minutes prior to meeting commencement, to ensure consistency.
3.4 Meeting Minutes must be approved by the Chair following the conclusion of the meeting, and signed accordingly.
3.5 Signed Meeting Minutes will be sent to each meeting attendee via email within (7) days of the meeting held.
3.6 Meeting minutes will be endorsed at the next meeting as a true and accurate record, by a mover and a seconder, which is recorded.
3.7 Meeting minutes are stored in the Minutes' Folder kept in the General Managers office for future reference
3.8 Any outstanding required actions resulting from a formal meeting will be recorded in the Meeting Action Plan, allocated a unique Action Number, activity/action to be taken, individual responsible assigned and timeframe required. The Action Plan will be maintained and reviewed at each meeting.
3.9 Once Action is completed, that unique Action Number will be closed.