Meeting encountered

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133071303

Overview and Rationale

This assignment is intended to increase the understanding of the difficulties that can be encountered during facilitation.

Learning Objectives

This assignment is directly linked to the following learning outcomes from the course syllabus:

1. Facilitate the creation of business requirements and solution design.

Assignment Components

Write a paper analyzing a meeting gone wrong (provided below) and addressing at least 4 specific difficulties and how you would have done things differently.

Describe the problems that the meeting encountered.

Identify at least 4 specific ones and indicate what you might do about them.

Provide a good conclusion and your recommendations.

The Meeting Last Tuesday

Our weekly status meeting was held last Tuesday and as always, it was a mess, starting right on time 10 minutes late! The entire team attended (35 people), even though only the team leads ever get a chance to talk. The PM (Rick) ran the meeting as usual and started by immediately asking the first team lead for status, and then slowly worked his way down the table, lead-by-lead. The 2-page agenda listed all the team leads, along with most of the work that each team had taken on. We did not get to the last two team leads because we ran out of time, even though the meeting was set for two hours. It was hard to hear Rick as he slowly worked his way through the agenda, because the conference room is right next to the elevator.About half-way through, Bob started complaining that Ted's team was holding his group's work up - they got quite argumentative. Rick just stared at them for about 5 minutes, then firmly took control by whining, "Guys, quit yelling, OK?" Eventually they stopped fighting but did not look at each other for the rest of the meeting. My team lead is Bob, so I am not sure what this means for my work.Joanne, who works on Gary's team, is bright and she came up with two really good ideas during the meeting. In each case, Gary tried to get the group talking about them. Both times Rick told him that those topics were not on the agenda and that they had to move on to "cover everything". Gary waited for Rick to make some notes, but he didn't, so eventually Gary looked a little frustrated and wrote Joanne's ideas down himself. I hope something is done with them.It is now Friday, and I am curious about Joanne's ideas. I walked over to ask her about them, but she didn't know anything either. She said she will check with Gary and maybe the two of them can take some action.

Reference no: EM133071303

Questions Cloud

Executive Leadership in Public Administration : Examine the executive branch of your state government, identify two agencies to merge, and then explain your rationale.
Developing total compensation policy : Create a list of essential guideposts for developing a total compensation policy. Describe HR program aligned with the business strategy chosen for new company
Identify any governing labor laws : Identify any governing labor laws as well as any historical influences, legal precedents, or decisions that apply to this situation.
Organization annual performance review process : What is the relationship between an organization's annual performance review process/evaluation assessment and employee motivation?
Meeting encountered : Describe the problems that the meeting encountered. Identify at least 4 specific ones and indicate what you might do about them.
Effective strategy implementation : Discuss the importance of leadership behaviors with effective strategy implementation.
Yielded additional valuable information : What approaches could have yielded additional valuable information? What were the most compelling topics learned in this course?
Makes demand curves inelastic or elastic : What makes demand curves inelastic or elastic? Give examples of products that are likely to have elastic demands and those that are likely to be inelastic.
Business analyst perspective : Find a mobile app and analyze the chosen app from a business analyst's perspective.


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