Medications or effect on preexisting conditions

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Reference no: EM133218541

For the case studies, provide the following information when evaluating and writing an analysis:

  • Proposed use of the herbal or dietary supplement
  • Potential interactions with other medications or effect on preexisting conditions (this might require research of the literature for uncommon interactions) including the proposed mechanism of interaction
  • Resolution/improvement suggestions for the specific patient situation

Case study 

A 55-year old presented with abdominal pain to the emergency room. Patient history includes alcohol abuse with abstinence for past 15 years. Only comorbidity is benign prostate hyperplasia which was treated with saw palmetto extract for past 4 years. Physical examination revealed normal vital signs, tender epigastrium without guarding or rebound tenderness. Cullen and Gray Turner signs were negative. Complete blood count and basic metabolic profile were normal. Additional laboratory values include:

Serum amylase (2,152 mmol/L), lipase (39,346 mmol/L), serum triglyceride (38 mmol/L), AST (1265 U/L), ALT (1232 U/L), and alkaline phosphatase (185 mmol/L). Abdominal ultrasound and magnetic resonance cholangiography revealed sludge without stones. Rectal examination did not show abnormal findings. No weight loss, fever, chills, or jaundice was noticed by the patient.

Reference no: EM133218541

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