Reference no: EM133445245
Mrs. Sinclair is a 91-year-old that lives at home with her daughter Callie. Her daughter must work Full time and isn o t home with her duringt h e day. She presentst o the Walk-in clinic with a 6-week historyo f 8/10 pain to right hip area, and you have noticed an open wound to the area. When you asked what happened, Mrs. Sinclair replied, "I have been taking some type of white pill for the pain and it is not getting any better and Iam worriedabout it not improving." She is lying on the stretcher rubbing her handstogetherstating, "Where amI andh o w did I gethere?"
Past medical history of: Myocardial infarction, Hypertension, High Cholesterol, Anxiety, and TIA 7 years agowith no deficits.
You are the Practical nurse assigned toMrs. Sinclair
1. What 3 priority assessments would you complete for Mrs. Sinclair?
2. Explain why it is important to complete these assessments?
3. After the doctor assessed Mrs. Sinclair, it is discovered that she has astage 2 ulcer to the right hip area however, the doctor orders an antibioticand placed the order for you to do a dressing to her right hip. Thedoctor has also decidedthat shecan be discharged home. As you are preparing hert o go home, she continues to rub her hands together and Mrs. Sinclair asks, "so who is going to help me at home and how am Isupposed to do the dressing to the area again? Ican't reach that area!"
1. What additional concerns would you have if any about Mrs. Sinclair being home alone? This should not be related to your prioritya
2. Are there any other assessments (different from the priority assessments) that you may want to do at this time?
3. What concerns if any do you have about Mrs. Sinclair being discharged home? (2marks) 4. What will you do about it?