Medical benefits derived from the use of hela cells

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131915288

Medical Law and Ethics

Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the "Format Requirements" page for specific format requirements.

HeLa cells are an immortal cell line that is used extensively for far-reaching clinical research. Consider these cells' history in the context of the content of this course, namely, medical law, ethics, bioethics, confidentiality, etc. and provide the following information in a cohesive paper.

1. Explain how medical research has been historically conducted and incorporate the historical and current use of HeLa cells.

2. Summarize the medical benefits derived from the use of HeLa cells.

3. Analyze the legal debates that evolved from the use of HeLa cells.

4. Describe the ethical considerations surrounding the continued use of HeLa cells.

Verified Expert

The work is in 1200 words where the focus is on the drug abuse intervention programs. there is a need to handle the families with support and the discussion is how this can be done. The work is in APA references in MS word. Here, the detailed version includes the decisions and how one can work towards the development of the society and life.

Reference no: EM131915288

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3/26/2018 1:07:58 AM

Format - APA Format, Citations, Organization, Transitions (10 Points) 10 points The paper is written in proper APA and organizational format. All sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly. Excellent organization, including a variety of thoughtful transitions. 8 points The paper is written in proper format with only 1-2 errors. All sources used for quotes and facts are credible, and most are cited correctly. Adequate organization includes a variety of appropriate transitions. 5 points The paper is written in proper format with only 3-5 errors. Most sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly. Essay is poorly organized, but may include a few effective transitions. 2 points The paper is not written in proper format. Many sources used for quotes and facts are less than credible (suspect) and/or are not cited correctly. Essay is disorganized and does not include effective transitions.


3/26/2018 1:07:49 AM

Ethical Considerations (20 Points) 20 points The student provides a clear description of the ethical considerations surrounding the continued use of HeLa cells. 16 points The student provides a mostly clear description of the ethical considerations surrounding the continued use of HeLa cells. 12 points The student provides a somewhat clear description of the ethical considerations surrounding the continued use of HeLa cells. 8 points The student provides an unclear description of the ethical considerations surrounding the continued use of HeLa cells. Mechanics (10 Points) 10 points Student does not make any errors in grammar or spelling, especially those that distract the reader from the content. 8 points Student makes 1-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. 5 points Student makes 3-4 e rrors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. 2 points Student makes more than 4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.


3/26/2018 1:07:40 AM

Medical Benefits (20 Points) 20 points The student provides a clear summary of the medical benefits derived from the use of HeLa cells. 16 points The student provides a mostly clear summary of the medical benefits derived from the use of HeLa cells. 12 points The student provides a somewhat clear summary of the medical benefits derived from the use of HeLa cells. 8 points The student provides an unclear summary of the medical benefits derived from the use of HeLa cells. Legal Debates (20 Points) 20 points The student provides a clear analysis of the legal debates that evolved from the use of He La cells. 16 points The student provides a mostly clear analysis of the legal debates that evolved from the use of HeLa cells. 12 points The student provides a somewhat clear analysis of the legal debates that evolved from the use of HeLa cells. 8 points The student provides an unclear analysis of the legal debates that evolved from the use of HeLa cells.


3/26/2018 1:07:19 AM

Please follow the attached rubric grading and instructions. Grading Rubric Please refer to the rubric on the next page for the grading criteria for this assignment. CATEGORY Exemplary Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Unacceptable Medical Research (20 Points) 20 points The student provides a clear explanation of how medical research has been historically conducted AND incorporates the historical AND current use of HeLa cells. 16 points The student provides a mostly clear explanation of how medical research has been historically conducted AND incorporates the historical AND current use of He La cells. 12 points The student provides a somewhat clear explanation of how medical research has been historically conducted AND incorporates the historical AND current use of HeLa cells. 8 points The student provides an unclear explanation of how medical research has been historically conducted AND the historical AND current use of HeLa cells.

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