Medical and business applications for smart dust

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133370428

Businesses and individuals already collect a massive amount data but only about 35% of the information collected is used. Smart Dust will enable businesses and individuals to collect a great deal more.

How will companies/individuals need to adapt in order to make sense of volumes of new information Smart Dust will allow them to collect?

There are few policies in place regarding data collection and usage. Businesses and individuals are largely expected to "self-govern" their collection/use of data.

Many are concerned about privacy issues as well as the ethical use of data. Is the potential for learning and understanding more about business and/or society worth the concerns regarding privacy?

One major city is using data motes to track and study homelessness. A NFL team is considering using data motes to track the movement of fans throughout the stadium on game days to better understand/plan changes to building resources including bathroom facilities, concession stands, entrances/exits, etc.

There are endless potential societal, scientific, medical and business applications for "smart dust". What useful implementation of smart dust can you imagine?

Reference no: EM133370428

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