Media define desirable women and men

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Reference no: EM133037007

Discussion 1.

Online communication allows people the ability to create new identities. People can switch genders, race, age, etc. since the visual and auditory cues used in face-to-face encounters are not used. Do you think this practice is helpful, harmful, or both to people's self-concept? Does it create ethical issues when presenting oneself as something they are not? Why or why not? What might be some reasons people do this? How could this be both useful and not useful?

Discussion 2.

Find a popular magazine and identify examples of the generalized other's perspective. How does the media define desirable women and men? How is that different than what "regular" people define as desirable? Analyze the messages and how society responds to them. What impact does this have on our relationships?

Reference no: EM133037007

Questions Cloud

Effects of judicial abuse of power and misconduct : Discuss the effects of judicial abuse of power and misconduct, as well as any remedies.
Foundations of successful case management services : Articulate case management responsibilities and the importance of strategic planning and vision as foundations of successful case management services.
Access and care according to wealth and social position : A two-tier health care system - one that tolerates different standards of access and care according to wealth and social position
Criminal and civil risks to health care professionals : Identify the criminal and civil risks to health care professionals for failing to report certain incidents.
Media define desirable women and men : Find a popular magazine and identify examples of the generalized other's perspective. How does the media define desirable women and men?
Discuss the implications of this for ethical practice : Professionals in all areas from business to counseling commonly anticipate possible cultural differences. Discuss implications of for ethical practice.
Integrate diversity into our sourcing processes : Integrate diversity into our sourcing processes. Help create an environment in which all team members can contribute, develop, and fully use their talents.
What should jeffery do : Jeffery is executive officer of bank and drives to work every day. Today, he wakes up later than his usual time as he has attended party last night till dawn
Sentencing guidelines and mandatory : What three things do these sentencing tactics aim to achieve?


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