Reference no: EM132300203
The case is NAU: National American University
LP4 Assignment: Measuring Curriculum Success
This assignment will assess competency 4. Measure curriculum success.
Directions: Write a minimum of 1500 word research paper. Your paper must be written in APA Style. Your paper should include an introduction, with a well-defined thesis statement, headings, body of the paper, and solid conclusion that aligns with the thesis statement.
Use NAU (or another accredited institution) as the example institution throughout this course.
Title Your Paper: Measuring Curriculum Success
Research and write about curriculum success at NAU in this paper.
In your paper include a discussion on the following:
Student classroom performance.
How can institutions use student course activities to evaluate knowledge, skills, and development?
The importance of providing feedback to students.
What form would this feedback take?
How can faculty and students engage in assessment together?
How do faculty decide to collect evidence about student performance in a distance learning environment.
What are the essentials needed in course assessment?
How instructors/curriculum developers effectively design performance assessment in online courses?
What methods of assessment do they use?
The value of rubrics in undergraduate/graduate school courses.
The value of portfolios in outcomes assessment.
How is this information collected?
How is this information analyzed?
The value of student reflection in outcomes assessment.
Conclusion/Analysis (link back to thesis).