Reference no: EM132753682 , Length: word count:2800
Company selection - Orica limited
Assignment - Case study - Report and Video file submission
Purpose: To allow students to demonstrate their mastery of the subject, and further develop their team working skills.
Video: Video file Is a reflective study to demonstrate how the group members have come to a better understanding of the relevant learning outcomes. The video is to be submitted in a standard video format such as MP4 or WMA. Submission method of video file will be advised during trimester.
Topic: Management control systems - The measurement of executive management performance and remuneration.
Task Details The subject coordinator will allocate each group a unique selected Australian public company to use as their basis for examining the application of management control theory in a complex organisational setting.
Each group is to review the remuneration policies and practices of their allocated company as specified in that company's most recent Remuneration Report.
In particular, each group should consider the following aspects of the stated policies and practices:
How have the regulations applying to remuneration reports affected the amount and type of information required to be prepared by managerial accountants in assessing management performance:
Compare and contrast the likely behavioural impacts on management behaviour of fixed remuneration versus short term incentives versus long term incentives
Evaluate the financial and non-financial measures specified within the company's remuneration report.
Note that the public companies allocated are selected at the beginning of each trimester and are not repeated from previous assignments and other non-executive director remuneration is excluded from this review. Research should commence Immediately on the theory related to this task and companies will be allocated in Week 4 for all groups.
Research requirements: Groups are expected to research the academic literature related specifically to executive pay, remuneration, ethical behaviour, motivational theory and management control theory. The report should conclude with a comparison of the way such research related to the practices of the company they will review. A minimum of twenty peer reviewed academic references are required.
Word count: The work count will depend on the maximum number of students in the group. The absolute minimum number of words per student is 500 and a maximum of 750. Therefore, a group with four members should submit a report (excluding cover pages, references and appendices) of between 2,000 and 3,000 words, if five members, then between 3,000 and 3,750 words.
No more than 4.000 words will be marked!
The group video should demonstrate student understanding of management systems and reporting in theory and practice by making direct linkages to the specified learning outcomes for this assignment task through a critically reflective discussion. (learning outcomes a. b. c, e)
Video length: Videos submitted should be 5-7 minutes in length.
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