Measurement methods in food and nutrition analysis

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Reference no: EM133048610

BHS049-2 Skills And Food Analytical Techniques

Assignment - Analysis of omega fatty acids and proteins a from food samples

Learning outcome 1: Describe and discuss relevant measurement methods in food and nutrition analysis.

Learning outcome 2: Show application of a range of analytical techniques to analyse food samples.

In the first experiment you will be provided with different batches of fish oil samples which you will prepare according to the methods outlined in the relevant protocol.

-Analyze fish oil samples using GC-MS method as explained in the experiment protocol.

Interpret obtained data.

In the second experiment you will be provided with protein samples (soybean extract and egg white samples) prepared according to the methods explained in the experiment protocol.

You will also be provided with preformed SDS-PAGE gels (gels have been prepared for you by the lab staff to save time to enable you to complete the required lab work in the allocated time).

-Analyze protein samples on SDS-PAGE gels.

Interpret obtained data.

Perform both the experiments as explained to you in the class lectures. This has also been discussed in tutorials.
- In the assignment you are required to write a project report (1250 words for each experiment; 2500 words for both the experiments) and produce a ppt presentation (10 min oral presentation collectively for both the experiments) that should address each of the tasks given above, and further elaboration given below using scientific expression with appropriate in-text citations.

- You are expected to evaluate analytical skills related to analysis of the food samples.
- Discuss importance of proteins and omega fatty acids in nutrition; and the analytical skills used in analyses of these components, based on comparative analyses of the food samples.
- Give a comprehensive validation of the method used in relation to the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the
samples' analyses.
- Study the relevant scientific literature to find out what other methods have been used for the analysis of proteins and fish oil samples. Prepare a critical analysis of GC-MS and SDS-PAGE analytical methods in comparison to other methods used for protein and fish oil samples. This should be based on the appropriate quality assurance methods of food samples analyses.
- Study the relevant scientific literature to find out what other methods have been used for determination of proteins and fish oil samples.
- Prepare a critical analysis of GC-MS and SDS-PAGE techniques vs. other analytical methods.

Your oral presentation should be well prepared aided by presentation software reflecting creative and critical thinking using diagrammatic presentations supported by the references you have used for its preparation.
A template for an oral presentation is given below:
1. Title slide
2. Introduction
3. Aims of the assignment
4. Methods used in the experiment
5. Results (report obtained data)
6. Discussion (interpret your data in relation to reported data in research publications)
7. References (methodological citation and quoting of references in the ppt slides)

1. Produce a written report and submit an oral presentation ppt slides according to expectations described in the assignment brief.
2. Demonstrate understanding of laboratory analytical techniques in the report and oral presentation and discuss the application of laboratory analytical techniques in food samples' analysis including the following:

- Appropriately present/explain the SDS-PAGE and GC-MS methodology used for proteins and fish oil analyses.
- Appropriately evaluate findings of your lab work and express these in your own words.
- Present critical analysis of the data obtained in the lab work compared with other methods of proteins and fish
oil components' analysis in food samples.
- Produce a scientific report i.e., assignment report and ppt presentation according to expectations described in the assignment brief.

- You should have a thorough understanding of GC-MS and SDS-PAGE techniques.
- What advantages GC-MS and SDS-PAGE have in the food samples analysis in comparison to other methods used for analyses of such samples.
- How GC-MS and SDS-PAGE give an added advantage in the analysis of proteins and fish oil vs. results obtained using other methods reported in research papers.
- An ability of comparative critical analysis of the reported data in literature.
- Show application of research skills to address a current research problem and prepare a set of novel ppt slides for oral presentation supported by peer-reviewed scientific reports.
- To develop skills to present data using tables and graphs.
- Demonstration of skills to present data from perspective of critical analysis i.e., data obtained from the experiments vs. data reported in peer-reviewed scientific literature.

On completion of this assignment, you should be able to describe and discuss relevant measurement methods and their scope in the analysis of food samples. In addition, you should have a thorough knowledge of other analytical techniques that could be used for such analyses to select an appropriate technique for a meaningful outcome.

Oral presentation should be well prepared and fully organized taking into consideration following points: A brief introduction addressing the assignment work.
Aims of the experiment
Data presentation using graphs and tables.
Methodical interpretation of results in comparison to published data.

Attachment:- Assignment brief.rar

Reference no: EM133048610

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12/16/2021 9:16:02 PM

I need a discussion only for 2 parts of my assignment. First GC-MS EPA and DHA analysis and second on SDS-PAGE gel egg white and soya bean protein analysis.

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