Meaning and purpose of chosen concept

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133186559

Our focus throughout the class has been on learning about Operations Management, its history and evolution, which has brought it to today's approaches.  For this you will tie in the concepts of Total Quality Management, Lean Systems, and the Toyota Model to understand the impact of these approaches in creating efficiencies and streamlining in Operations Management.

This final deliverable is that you can use in the future to have a quick, "At-A-Glance" View of Lean Operations.


  1. Toyota Production System
  2. Kanban
  3. Kaizen
  4. JIT Just-in-Time
  5. Pull System     

    Choose two of the above concepts and compare and contrast the strategies of each.  Address the following with two scholarly sources.
  • Explain the meaning and purpose of each chosen concept.
  • Evaluate and identify the similarities and differences of each.
  • Explain how each concept creates value in an organization.

Reference no: EM133186559

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